If You Have To Cough

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If You Have To Cough

Post by Hi5 »

Our experts say, cough or sneeze into a tissue, and then dispose of it. If you don't have a tissue, use your sleeve. It's not bad advice.

It's just ignoring the big picture.

They (the experts) say wearing a mask won't do much good to protect the wearer. The problem with that analysis is that it ignores the big picture. If EVERYBODY who is out in ANY public place wore a mask, at least people would not be spewing their illness all around them. With our industrial capacity masks could be produced and distributed for pennies cost each. They don't have to be surgical quality.

It would cost a whole lot less than a lot of the other measures being taken, and just might be the most effective way of dealing with the crisis.

Nobody would hoard them because they were available for free. If anyone was in public, not wearing a mask, they could be confronted--why aren't you wearing a mask? They're free. It might even help with giving the public a bit of confidence. Doing nothing and waiting doesn't seem like a plan.
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Re: If You Have To Cough

Post by Timbrhuntr »

If you confronted me for not wearing a mask I would have no choice but to cough all over you !! Maybe we could all get one of those clear bubbles like the kid in that movie ! :lol: :crazy:
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Re: If You Have To Cough

Post by janesy »

Hi5 wrote:
Thu Mar 12, 2020 12:05 pm
Our experts say, cough or sneeze into a tissue, and then dispose of it. If you don't have a tissue, use your sleeve. It's not bad advice.

It's just ignoring the big picture.

They (the experts) say wearing a mask won't do much good to protect the wearer. The problem with that analysis is that it ignores the big picture. If EVERYBODY who is out in ANY public place wore a mask, at least people would not be spewing their illness all around them. With our industrial capacity masks could be produced and distributed for pennies cost each. They don't have to be surgical quality.

It would cost a whole lot less than a lot of the other measures being taken, and just might be the most effective way of dealing with the crisis.

Nobody would hoard them because they were available for free. If anyone was in public, not wearing a mask, they could be confronted--why aren't you wearing a mask? They're free. It might even help with giving the public a bit of confidence. Doing nothing and waiting doesn't seem like a plan.
Where would you get them for free? For the past month all N95 masks not already on retail shelves or contracted for retail have been earmarked for hospital only use.
There simply are none left, haven't been for a month now.
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Re: If You Have To Cough

Post by Hi5 »

janesy says

"Where would you get them for free? For the past month all N95 masks not already on retail shelves or contracted for retail have been earmarked for hospital only use.
There simply are none left, haven't been for a month now"

The point is that we have had close to two months warning. With the industrial capacity of Canada, all by itself, we could have supplied North America with basic mask protection for pennies per mask. There should be no patent concerns-- a mask is so basic it can hardly be patentable. They wouldn't need to be surgical grade if the purpose was to diminish how much infective material the wearer might discharge. If sneezing into a Kleenex is the proper thing to do, think of how much more effective to do it into a mask. The mask could protect OTHER people. If everybody used them, how could that fail to reduce spread of the virus? If they were free nobody would try to hoard them. Compliance with wearing masks would have been widespread. There was time to inform the public and persuade people to be a good neighbour and reduce the risk to others--and by so doing, reduce the risk to yourself.

That is where the Health Planners failed us. We had time to make and distribute. The cost would have been a pittance compared to some less effective measures we take.
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Re: If You Have To Cough

Post by janesy »

Hi5 wrote:
Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:57 pm
janesy says

"Where would you get them for free? For the past month all N95 masks not already on retail shelves or contracted for retail have been earmarked for hospital only use.
There simply are none left, haven't been for a month now"

The point is that we have had close to two months warning. With the industrial capacity of Canada, all by itself, we could have supplied North America with basic mask protection for pennies per mask. There should be no patent concerns-- a mask is so basic it can hardly be patentable. They wouldn't need to be surgical grade if the purpose was to diminish how much infective material the wearer might discharge. If sneezing into a Kleenex is the proper thing to do, think of how much more effective to do it into a mask. The mask could protect OTHER people. If everybody used them, how could that fail to reduce spread of the virus? If they were free nobody would try to hoard them. Compliance with wearing masks would have been widespread. There was time to inform the public and persuade people to be a good neighbour and reduce the risk to others--and by so doing, reduce the risk to yourself.

That is where the Health Planners failed us. We had time to make and distribute. The cost would have been a pittance compared to some less effective measures we take.
I see, possibly I missed you point.

However to that point, I listened to a radio interview a couple weeks ago. The subject was on that very point. Why are there no masks? The guest on the interview stated there aren't nough manufacturers to make that many masks. The reason why, was when SARS hit, the demand for mask went 10 fold over night, every manufacturing company in NA was pushed to the limits, they made the masks and hired all kinds of extra staff. Only to have the virus essentially disappear over night through medical intervention and every one of those mask orders went stale and cancelled by our very own governments and medical establishments.
With the inventory on hand and a saturated environment, all but a handful of those companies actually went out of business.
So on one hand you are right, they failed us. But it was our own doing that brought it on.

For reference it was a CBC interview, possible Matt Galloway. Maybe 3 weeks ago
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Re: If You Have To Cough

Post by hankenhunter »

Masks will not help with the virus. The pathogen can pass freely through it. It's ment for particle protection, not viruses. It is useless as preventative. 99 % of docters agree. Its more a comfort thing than anything else. Good hygiene is the key. Besides, two elastic bands, a stapler, and some parchment paper will accomplish the same thing.
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Re: If You Have To Cough

Post by AJ01 »

Timbrhuntr wrote:
Thu Mar 12, 2020 12:49 pm
If you confronted me for not wearing a mask I would have no choice but to cough all over you !! Maybe we could all get one of those clear bubbles like the kid in that movie ! :lol: :crazy:
You, my man are a freaking genius!!!! :lol: :clap: :lol: :D :D
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Re: If You Have To Cough

Post by jd4223 »

We can all thank the State Controlled Lib Media for the panic the U.S. and Canada is experiencing. Also thank the Lib Media for the tanking of the U.S. Stock Market. This is their wet dream having this virus outbreak since they were unable to get rid of President Trump with their phony "Russian Collusion" scam! Look what is on the news 24/7. Nothing but how the Virus is sweeping the U.S. along with the rest of the world. With the Lib Medias non stop 24/7 montage of the world is coming to an end look at the damage being done. No more sporting events,school closings,states declaring emergencies,no toilet paper or hand sanitizer. Sad thing is,where was the Lib Media when the H1N1(Swine Flu) was wreaking havoc in 2009-2010? At one point 60-80 million Americans were infected with the virus! Did the Lib Media do a 24/7 broadcast that the world was coming to an end? No! Reason,TRAITOR44(OBAMA) was president. Did the Lib Media do a hit piece on him like they have been doing daily against President Trump? No! Instead the Lib Media praised TRAITOR44(OBAMA) on what a great job he was doing. Not to down play the Corona Virus but people need to see it for what it is...another virus strain hitting the U.S. just like viruses do every year. The difference? The negative coverage being given to it by the Lib Media in an effort to negatively impact President Trumps term in office with additional hopes President Trump won't get reelected in November! How sad and sick the Lib Media is! They actively promote the destruction of this country in an effort to get rid of a president they dislike/hate!
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Re: If You Have To Cough

Post by Boo »

Can we stop with the politics?
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Re: If You Have To Cough

Post by SEW »

As referenced earlier, the purpose of the mask would be to greatly reduce the mist coming from a cough or sneeze. The mist that carries the viruses. So, the mask would be for helping prevent spreading any viruses to others, not immediate self protection; but indirectly for eventual self protection. A direct application of “Do unto others as you’d want them to do unto you”. Great advice!
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