News paper story

Crossbow Hunting

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News paper story

Post by Quickshot »

I saw this in my local paper, take a look.
enjoy the woods
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Post by bbbwb »

A report with a happy ending as far as the deer is concerned, as far as we know. These things happen and to accuse the huning individual who shot the arrow of negligence is jumping to conclusion. As we all know, there are factors that come into the equation of this scenario that can and will explain the whole situation. It only goes to show that many people do not have any knowledge of hunting and we as hunters have to step up the effort in educating the non hunting public sector how it is done. This is not an attempt to convince all to go hunting, but to show there is an ethical practice carried out by hunters to take and utilize game in a humanely,respectful manner.

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Post by Cossack »

We definitely should get ALL hunting banned so that deer can outbreed their food source and starve instead. Then we'll ban cars to prevent car-deer collisions and remove all deadfalls so deer don't hurt themselves while cavorting through the woods. Needless to say we'll have to get rid of all dogs, coyotes and wolves since they kill deer. And bear.
I is unfortunate that the deer was wounded. Any ethical hunter will avoid taking marginal shots. But stuff happens. Banning all bowhunting over one wounded deer, which may or may not have been wounded by a hunter, makes no sense. Unfortunately, the antis will continue to push their agenda over isolated issues like this. Here in Minnesota we passed a mourning dove season last year. Now the antis are trying to repeal it because some folks tend to feed them too.
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Post by ecoaster »

I had to wonder when I read the comment about what a terrible fate it would have been for the deer if predators had of got it. Some people believe that all wildlife, if left completely alone by humans, have happy lives and in their sleep of old age. They are ignorant in that belief as much as they are about how much care is taken to get the right shot with a bow, gun or any other weapon.
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Post by Normous »

Elaine Fritz probably believes that "Walt Disney" created the Wild Kingdom. I have news for her...
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Post by VixChix »

It's amazing how few people give any thought to how animals die in the care of "Mother Nature" I agree with you, ecoaster, they seem to believe that they all just fall asleep and are buried in leaves and everything is serene and beautiful. :roll:

The other thing that always amazes me is how many people think that we hunt deer but don't eat them! :shock: When I tell them that it goes in the freezer they often say "oh if you eat then it it's ok"... They honestly think that most don't?!??! Many people think we just go out there, lean up against a fence post, fire into a herd of deer, take the racks and leave the rest!

It's our duty to educate in a kind manner. I think most anti's have the wrong idea - but once they get to know a "real" hunter with ethics who cares about the animals and who uses the meat, they often open their minds a bit more.

Don't get me started on the double-standard of the anti's who are against hunting, but think that catch & release fishing is fine. Ugh.
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Post by crowe »

I grew up on the farm in a hunting , shootin, trapping , fishing family,unfortunately many of the rural residents of today weren't so fortunate,It is up to us as responsible sportsman to do our best to educate the uneducated..Vixchix I don't know how many times i've heard the same things; sickening isn't it. All we can do is do our best to be responsible hunters and teach our kids the ways of our lives as predators at the top of the food chain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by fletch »

She doesn't see the point that feeding the deer on a regular basis as a problem of course, it only makes them more dependant on that food source, could cause an outbreak of disease because of high numbers in one area, makes them more accustomed to human contact, etc. I guess if a disease did break out she could always call the vet to come fix everything up.
Don't get me wrong a wound deer is not a nice thing to see, nor obviously is it positive advertising for the hunting population but there is also negative effects that her actions cause.
I am glad the deer will be fine, at least till Oct.1.
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Post by ecoaster »

Exactly. There are two sides to each coin. Most of my neighbors were "anti hunting" until I explained just how much time I spent afeild and that the success rate was minimal. Not to mention that I ate all I killed. No different than going to the grocery store, you just gotta clean it yourself. They are almost supportive now when I come home with dinner :lol: . They have shared in the bounty and no one has given anything but great comments on the meals we have shared.

They were just uneducated on hunting. I was glad to help out.
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Post by Quickshot »

I think what brothers me the most is how long it took them to respond to the deer after seeing the arrow in it, I would have reacted a whole lot sooner, to me these people acted very irresponsible. Just my thoughts.
enjoy the woods
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