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Re: Daddy

Post by longshot »

I know that it's really late but I just cant sleep. My worst fear is that something bad will happen to dad and if this is what it would be like if he wasn't herenI don't know what I would do. I see that my dad has a lot of friends here that pray for him and I just pray that God will here those prayers and make him better. I don't know if you guys know how bad is it but everyday is bad for him. He spends so much time alone in his room because he doesn't want sissy and me to see him hurt. It hurts me so bad that I can't help him. Do any of you think that he will ever get any better? We were so happy only a year ago before we went to Texas. It really got bad when we got back. Maybe fixing the screw will help but if not dad gets to see a different doctor to see if he can help. There has to be help out there some where. Thank you for praying for Dad. I miss him and I want him to come home. I will talk to you all in the morning.
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Re: Daddy

Post by agingcrossbower »

Keep your chin up and be brave. Your Dad wil do fine. He is a fighter and a father to be proud of. Just look at all the friends he has here. As for a cure for your Dad's pain, there is always hope. They are coming up with new idea's and cures all the time. There will be one for your Dad to. Myself and the rest of the forum members are very very proud of you. Keep you in our prayers. Aging
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Re: Daddy

Post by Doe Master »

:) Tyler right now I imagine your Father would be VERY PROUD of you and your sister for holding it together . :)
As stated they are coming up with new procedures all the time . There is bound to be one for Ray eventually .
Believe me there was persons probably saying a prayer last night at the same time as you . :)
Take care
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Re: Daddy

Post by Redneck Plumber »

Hang in there Tyler. I don't post much but have read alot here and from what I have seen you'r Dad is a strong willed man and will be there for you and you'r family for a long time yet.
You'r Dad will be Proud of you knowing that you are helping in the best way you can with all the
support and prayers that you have given, Wish him well from all of us.

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Re: Daddy

Post by saxman »

Hang tough buddy.
I'll be praying for you all.

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Re: Daddy

Post by wabi »

longshot wrote:I hope that I have the right man. Are you the man from Ohio that has a son my age and ya'll fish alot and don't have air conditioning?...
That's me Tyler.
Michael is 10 years old, and we also camp a good bit. That's why I didn't answer right away, we went camping last night. :D
Had 2 fawns bed down within 30 yards of our camp just about dark, and that made the trip even more memorable. Seem like there's always something to entertain you outdoors if you just take the lime to look & listen.

I know you must worry a lot about your dad, and it's great that you care so much. A back injury can be very painful, and can take a long time to heal. Often it never heals to the point you are as well as you were before the injury, but with careful rehab it can usually be helped a lot. I crushed a vertebra in my back many years ago when I wrecked a motorcycle. It was a year before I could get out and hunt & fish again, and I still have pain some days when I stand too long, but I can still enjoy life, just at a little slower pace.

Sometimes I think that is good. When I get tired and have to set down I get to hear and see things I might have missed if I had been able to keep on walking.
God's plans for us aren't always what we expect them to be, but there's a reason for them, so we just have to look for the advantages to our situation. :wink:

Keep us posted on your dad's condition, and try to get some rest yourself. I'm sure he will need you to help him with things when he gets home!
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Re: Daddy

Post by Rich »


It's very sad to hear about your dad's back problem. I hope he heals quickly, if he is feeling better and able to drive by the end of next month you guys are welcome to come to VA for our youth hunt. Maybe we can work something out and my son can pick you guys up on his way home from Camp Leguene (depends on his military obligations that weekend). It's on September 25th.

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Re: Daddy

Post by roly »

My thoughts go out to you Tyler and to your family

Tell your Dad we care and things will work out.
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Re: Daddy

Post by Hoss »

longshot wrote:Thanks Mr. Hoss. I think that I have heard dad talk about you and I'm pretty sure that we have you on our praying list. Don't you have a bad back to?

yes i do Tyler! It bothers me everyday to some degree some days worse than others. Ive been through about every test from the dreaded EMG given to me by the VA doctor who tortured me to the discOgram by a good Dr and in the end of it all my Dr said I need my L4,L5,S1, welded together or Fussed my spl may be wrong..but i dont care. :lol: Im just to afraid to get it done. I have resolved to try to deal with the pain and agony until I just cant do it anymore. I know some will be understandable and some wont on this but I take my meds everyday to be able to function. They scare me as well because It can ruin my liver. I just have to wiegh the cost and balance it all out. Trust me Im careful and have no death wish. I also have had my L Hip replaced 3 years ago and now it squeeks so loud I dont need a turkey call when i walk to the woods..Its pretty funny...Ive had alot of hard miles for sure..Thanks for putting me on the list God knows I need it..

I must say to you Tyler that I am very proud of you and the way you conduct yourself on here. I can tell that your Dad has done one heck of a job raising you. Im not just saying that to make you feel better. I can tell. You say Mr to the older guys and thats awsome. I love that. There is not enough of that found these days by young men and that stands out son. Hold your head HIGH and keep on doing the things your Dad has taught you. You will be a great roll model for your friends. They will see how you respect others and even if they didnt admit it to you----> in secret they will admire you for it AND the truth be known the girls will be seeing that to and they like that. There is not a greater gift you could give your Daddy.

Please tell your dad Hi for me when you see him next....Im prayn for a fast recovery

Dedicated.... ta all the sweet Bucks yet ta die!
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Re: Daddy

Post by B-Logger »

longshot wrote:I know that it's really late but I just cant sleep. My worst fear is that something bad will happen to dad and if this is what it would be like if he wasn't herenI don't know what I would do. I see that my dad has a lot of friends here that pray for him and I just pray that God will here those prayers and make him better. I don't know if you guys know how bad is it but everyday is bad for him. He spends so much time alone in his room because he doesn't want sissy and me to see him hurt. It hurts me so bad that I can't help him. Do any of you think that he will ever get any better? We were so happy only a year ago before we went to Texas. It really got bad when we got back. Maybe fixing the screw will help but if not dad gets to see a different doctor to see if he can help. There has to be help out there some where. Thank you for praying for Dad. I miss him and I want him to come home. I will talk to you all in the morning.
Tyler, you have much to think about here and it sounds like you have a pretty darned good head on your shoulders. I can understand and relate to your dad not wanting you to see how much it hurts. Yet, you still know that he is hurting. I went through the very same type of thing and at the time I did not realize how difficult it was for my wife and kids. When the pain is bad, it is also difficult to think straight.

Will your dad ever get better. Naturally we want to have that hope and sometimes people do get better and sometimes not. I think your father is the type of man who will get better because he has so much to live for. There is no doubt that he wishes to spend more time with you and the rest of the family.

You must have faith (like your dad) that he will get better. Hebrews 11:1 " is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." NKJ So faith really is the evidence of what you are not now seeing. Faith is the evidence that your dad will get better.

Good luck to you.
Keep smiling!
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Re: Daddy

Post by longshot »

Mom just called with great news dad is coming home in the morning. Mom said that dad walked around a little with a walker and the doctor want's him to use his whee chair for a week or two so that the screw doesn't fail. Somrthing about a tansbend. I'm not sure but I have a lot to do before he gets home. I have to charge up his wheel chair and set up my sleeping bag next to his hospital bed at our house so that I can sleep with him in case he needs help at night. I'm going to do that because mom has been sleeping in a chair in the hospital room since last thursday and she will need some rest. Mom said that he should be walking on his own in about two weeks. She said that he is sore but that will go away soon. I am so happy aren't you all. I told mom that I have been talking with you all and dad said that was great. His best friends are here. Mom is going to try and get dad on the phone with me after 3:00 when he gets back from his walk. Thank you all for your prayers and helping me feel better. Dad was right when he told me a long time ago that you are special people. Mr. Wabi, please tell Michael hello and it sounds like you and Michael have the same great relationship that me and my dad do. He is lucky just like me to have a great dad. I will let you know when I talk to him. Mr. Boo I told mom that you wanted to send flowers or a card and she told dad. She said that he smiled big and said that he was ready to come home. I better get grandma to take me home so that we can get ready for him to come home.

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Re: Daddy

Post by B-Logger »

Fantastic news Tyler! Thank you. No doubt your dad will be back on line soon too.
Keep smiling!
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Re: Daddy

Post by Normous »

Great News Tyler!
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Re: Daddy

Post by wabi »

bstout wrote:Good news, Tyler!

Your dad is stronger than horseradish...make no mistake about it! :D
:shock: :shock: :shock:
But good (like your dad). :lol:

Great news to hear Tyler - and great of you to be thinking of your mom's need for rest, too.
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Re: Daddy

Post by Doe Master »

:D Thank you Tyler for the update :D
Don`t let Ray overdo it . Hunting season is still alittle ways away . :)
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