OT Knee Replacement

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Tar Heel
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OT Knee Replacement

Post by Tar Heel »

I would like to hear from anyone that has had the knee surgury. I can no longer get around time to do something.
Can you climb into a tree stand, can you go down steep hills, how long will they last, any info. will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance James
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Hurts like Hell.

Post by axis »

Tar Heel, I had three surgury on my left knee, The last one they fix my ACL, also had damage to the cartilage on the Bone. Hurting my knee was nothing compared to the surgery. But, you got to thruogh hell to get to heaven. Now its all good...... I talk to a guy who had keen replacement he said, he was so glad he did it. NO MORE PAIN........... Just do what your doctor tells you to do. Also do your P.T. (physical therapy) the best you can.
Go to a place that sales vitamins or a health food store, talk to some one in there that know all about vitamins. This will help you heal faster it did for me. It dose work. In no time you'll back hunting. I wish you God speed.

Axis :wink:
P.S. The faster you do it,The faster you'll be going hunting.


Post by rwk »

Tar heel can't help you with the knee, find a good doc, thats half the problem, i've had both hips replaced was the best thing i've done for my self in years. When you have it done listen to the doc and don't feel sorry for your self it dos'nt work. GOOD LUCK RICH
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Post by deerslayr »

I was told when I was eighteen that my knee had to be replaced after a failed attempted to remove a benign tumor. They told me to go as long as I could and I have made it 23 three years but the pain is excruciation some times. After 23 years of walking with a limp I have worn out the left one too, so I am facing a double header. I think because of that I tend to watch to many knee replacements at work. It is an incredible procedure to watch and I won’t go into all the details, but it sounds a lot like having your tires rotated with rusty lug nuts. But like axis says you have to go through hell to get to heaven. My advice to you is, know your pain threshold and your tolerance to pain medication and make sure you are medicate accordingly. If your Doctor tells you he knows how much it will hurt don’t listen to him unless he has had it done on himself.
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Re: OT Knee Replacement

Post by UPSMAN »

Tar Heel,
I can't speak from experience but my Sister-In-Law has had both knees replaced. She said it was the greatest thing she has ever done for her health. No more pain. Do your research and go for it.
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Re: OT Knee Replacement

Post by frisky »

My wife has had both kees replaced. They are NOT the same as the originals. There is no more pain. It will take a FULL YEAR to be fully up to speed. And , as they say, results may vary . Your age will have a lot to due with results. Good luck!
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Re: OT Knee Replacement

Post by greentag »

my dad has his replaced,once you heal you could probably climb into your stand but you must be very careful not to fall or re hurt it.i forget how long he said they last but i think you can only have it done twice in a lifetime,so they want you to be older when you get it if you can, because after 2 your out of luck,he watches what he does alot more carefully now,he worked in a factory for 37 years and they wouldnt let him go back on that concrete 8 and 10 hours a day with it.so be very careful if you have it done its a bad surgery,they basically almost cut your leg into at the knee.
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Re: OT Knee Replacement

Post by Orion »

I am currently sitting in my hospital room after having mine replaced yesterday using my Samsung looking at the Web site here. I just walked with new knee old pain is gone but I'm sore from surgery as today is day 1. I like you finally had enough of not being able to do a lot of things. Everyone I talked to that had it done said it was worth it, so I'm living the dream now! I'll let you know of progress, I'm only 59 so hopefully I'm good to go when rehab is over. Just my .02 worth

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Re: OT Knee Replacement

Post by Orion »

I am currently sitting in my hospital room after having mine replaced yesterday using my Samsung looking at the Web site here. I just walked with new knee old pain is gone but I'm sore from surgery as today is day 1. I like you finally had enough of not being able to do a lot of things. Everyone I talked to that had it done said it was worth it, so I'm living the dream now! I'll let you know of progress, I'm only 59 so hopefully I'm good to go when rehab is over. Just my .02 worth

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Re: OT Knee Replacement

Post by Helmut »

Had mine replaced Sept 2014. So was pretty anxious to try it out this year in the field. performed with no issue at all. Pain free and mobile in that leg anyway.
It will take a year to be the best it can be that's true. No picnic either going through therapy but all worth it.
Ican climb a tree stand but not worth the risk. Even a small fall onto the leg risks dislocation. Remember the internal connective ligaments are gone so no ACL and no PCL to stabilize the joint properly. Besides doc made it clear that ladders were not a good plan.
Steep hills are no issue going up or down for me on the repaired leg.
Just be sure this is right for you its a big deal!! with turning back and a lot of hard work ahead. Good luck
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Re: OT Knee Replacement

Post by woodmnctry »

Not sure what type of knee surgery you are talking about but if it is replacement then I have had both done --- climbing ladder and such is not an issue -- I go up and down ladder and climb into tree stands and never even think about it. Rehab is a necessary thing and it will take a year + to be totally comfortable. Pushed my original ones as far as I could ---maybe a bit too long as one hip was starting to give me problems. Only you can decide as to the "when".
One negative that they did not tell me about is that the knee will never ever bend at the same angle as it used to --- simply will not happen --- the only thing it bothers me with is stepping into the stirrup on a horse --- just have to live with it.
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Re: OT Knee Replacement

Post by srhall32 »

I just saw this..I had both of my knees replaced at the same time last Dec....had no choice but went at it full tilt. Best thing I have had happen to get me back to my hunting and walking...working full time also. Get a good surgeon and do the rehab every day until all your flexion numbers are where they should be and you should be fine....I climbed my ladder stands and rough WNC mountains with no prob... Used trek poles to keep from falling and damaging the implants... Best to you!
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Re: OT Knee Replacement

Post by bob watkins »

my wife had both replaced 9 months apart she could get a 100%flex in a month she worked very hard on therapy . starting the day after surgery she also had a great surgeon. she 73 years young. its been a year she is doing great so i think you will do well
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Re: OT Knee Replacement

Post by one shot scott »

original post dates back to 2004! Thread brought back to the top by this possible spammer

Goldie wrote:Do a thorough research on this, find a good doctor and medical center. If your health insurance will not cover this and your budget is tight, you might want to consider knee replacement surgery in india (http://www.placidway.com/package/2189/A ... -In-India/) or in other countries abroad (or what they call medical tourism).
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