OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by Hi5 »

The ONLY good thing about this is that no good comes of it for the government. The firearms community is upset. The anti firearms community is upset. Trudeau gets no political bonus points.

We still have the legislation moving forward that deals with handguns. Nothing to pop the corks on champagne.
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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by Boo »

Hi5 wrote:
Fri Feb 03, 2023 12:40 pm
The ONLY good thing about this is that no good comes of it for the government. The firearms community is upset. The anti firearms community is upset. Trudeau gets no political bonus points.

We still have the legislation moving forward that deals with handguns. Nothing to pop the corks on champagne.
Norm, while I agree that that is the right attitude to keep, it is a beginning, hopefully to what we want as an end. We all must keep up the pressure even if it is just talking to others, writing emails and joining polls.
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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by Hi5 »

A tourist walks down a deserted street and is confronted by two muggers. They take his wallet and one muggers says to the other “we better kill him so he can’t identify us”. The other says “I guess so””, but just then there is the sound of a police siren nearby and they just run away.

Being mugged is nothing to celebrate.

If firearms owners start any degree of celebration here, that will lead next to complacency. The next time he does this sort of thing he won’t be so clumsy and stupid. If anyone thinks that we “turned the corner “ on firearms ownership, they are dreaming.
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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

Boo wrote:
Fri Feb 03, 2023 12:56 pm
Norm, while I agree that that is the right attitude to keep, it is a beginning, hopefully to what we want as an end. We all must keep up the pressure even if it is just talking to others, writing emails and joining polls.
Yes. It is a beginning. But we have to understand that Trudeau's intent remains the same.
He WILL try to impose further restrictions (already hinted at as being in the works).
He WILL come after hunting and sporting arms again.
He cannot help himself.

Stay Diligent. Stay Strong. And as Don suggests, keep the pressure on Folks.
It's a skirmish in a much larger battle, but one I am happy to take at this point...

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

Boo wrote:
Fri Feb 03, 2023 12:56 pm
Norm, while I agree that that is the right attitude to keep, it is a beginning, hopefully to what we want as an end. We all must keep up the pressure even if it is just talking to others, writing emails and joining polls.
The Motion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlui5eZL3wk

Yes. It is a beginning. But we have to understand that Trudeau's intent remains the same.
He WILL try to impose further restrictions (already hinted at as being in the works).
He WILL come after hunting and sporting arms again.
He cannot help himself.

Stay Diligent. Stay Strong. And as Don suggests, keep the pressure on Folks.
It's a skirmish in a much larger battle, but one I am happy to take at this point...

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

Poillievre's Take: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mrj61VbVys
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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by Hi5 »

Standing alone Bill C21 is a travesty. The amendments associated with it were, thankfully, so outrageous and excessive as almost to become a joke. Then the government spokesmen assured the public that the amendments were exclusively directed at "assault" rifles. That lie was repeated over and over. Only after indigenous leaders, some liberal MPs ,the NDP and the Conservatives, spoke out in opposition, did our Dear Leader admit that some 'hunting" firearms indeed would be affected.

Would this not suggest to fair minded people that the original C21 package needs to be rescrutinized? You know, start over? Get some measure of the cost and utility of the measure? If you get your wallet back from a pick pocket, shouldn't you count your money?

Now is when we need to have firearms organizations really dig in and fight. Maybe, just maybe, there might be more sympathy from people who are uncommitted.
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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by janesy »

Honestly, this is bad.

Now that they have pulled the 2 amendments that drew the publics attention, this will go cold in the media and c-21 is as good as passed. They can official say that they discussed and it with different agency's and acted on the publics wishes, NDP and Bloq will go back to towing the line with their singular success story.
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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

Facing anger in Liberal -- and other -- ranks, Trudeau pulls his gun ban, for now

In a major climbdown, the Trudeau Liberals have halted their efforts to ban hundreds of hunting rifles.

The push, which began last November and was defended by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau himself until recently, saw the party lose the support of every opposition party and cause dissension in Liberal ranks.

At first the Trudeau government defended it and said they were not banning any hunting rifles or shotguns despite the clear evidence to the contrary. Eventually the government said that they would pause and listen to make sure they were getting it right, before Trudeau himself said in a year-end interview that some hunting guns need to be banned.

“It is not our intention to impact hunters,” Liberal House Leader Mark Holland said.

Holland invoked images of guns used in mass shootings, which this amendment didn’t come close to touching, it was all about hunting rifles and shotguns. The Liberals knew this despite months of denial and only pulled the amendments when they felt threatened electorally.

Liberal MPs have been sounding the alarm bell inside their own caucus since this started. It seems Trudeau’s office finally realized that if they moved ahead with these changes they wouldn’t win a single seat outside of major urban centres.

To show how out of touch the Trudeau Liberals were on this bill and these amendments, they lost the support of the NDP and the Bloc Quebecois. Isn’t it telling when the NDP is telling the Liberals to back off, that they are going too far on issues like this?

The Trudeau Liberals no longer listen to or speak to people who disagree with their urban, ultra-progressive agenda and it is showing.

The question now is whether they can undo the damage they have done before voters head to the polls in the next election to cast judgment.

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

The Liberals backed themselves into a corner on firearms — leaving no option but surrender

What truly forced the government to retreat was more likely the simple fact that they couldn't count on enough support from everyone else. And the government's mistake was to allow itself to get so thoroughly cornered that throwing up its hands was the only conceivable way forward.

But the NDP was not the only player the government had to worry about. Liberal MP Kody Blois, chair of the party's rural caucus, called the amendments "problematic." The Assembly of First Nations passed a resolution officially opposing the changes.

Even if the amendments had somehow passed, the Speaker might have been compelled to rule them out of order. Once a bill has been approved at second reading, the committee charged with studying the legislation has limited scope to propose amendments. Any changes must fall within the original intent and purpose of the bill.

Conservative MP Raquel Dancho described the Liberal machinations as "underhanded" on Friday — but this might be a good moment to remember Hanlon's Razor ("never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"). These amendments were never going to escape notice. If the Liberals believed they'd easily win support for the changes, they miscalculated wildly.

Liberals are obviously inclined — either by personal belief or electoral calculation — to pursue stricter gun control. And they no doubt understand how much trouble the issue can create for Conservatives.

But regardless of their intentions, the Liberals suffer if they appear clumsy and bumbling — especially when they're still trying to recover from a difficult year during which their competence was in question.

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

Mass homicide by firearm in Canada: Effects of legislation


Canada implemented a series of laws regulating firearms including background checks and licensing, references, psychological questionnaires, prohibition of paramilitary style rifles, and magazine capacity restrictions in order to decrease the incidences and deaths from mass shootings. The associated effects of these laws were examined over the years 1974 to 2020. A model was constructed using difference-in-differences analysis of firearms and non-firearms mass homicide incidences and death rates. Mass homicides were defined as a homicide due to one event involving three or more deaths. Incidence rates of mass homicide by firearm were found to be 0.11 (95%CI 0.08, 0.14) per million compared to a non-firearm mass homicide rate of 0.12 (95% CI 0.10, 0.15) per million. Mass homicide death rates by firearm were found to be 0.39 (95% CI 0.29, 0.49) per million compared to a non-firearm mass homicide rate of 0.47 (95% CI 0.34, 0.61) per million. Overall, there is a gradual declining trend in the incidence of mass homicide by firearm (IRR 0.97 (95% CI 0.96, 0.98)) and by non-firearm (IRR 0.97 (95% CI 0.97, 0.98)). The decline in mass homicide death rate by firearm and non-firearm is IRR 0.96 (95% CI 0.95, 0.97), and IRR 0.97 (95% CI 0.96, 0.98) respectively. No specific associated decrease in mass homicide incidence rates or death rates with firearms legislation was found after the implementation of background checks and prohibition of full auto firearms in 1980, by the implementation of references and psychological questionnaires in 1994, by the restriction of magazine capacity in 1994, the prohibition of paramilitary rifles in 1994, or licensing in 2001.


This is the first study to examine mass homicide in Canada as well as the association between legislative interventions controlling firearms and firearm mass homicide incidence rates and deaths. Over the period 1974 to 2020 the incidence and death rates associated with mass homicide gradually declined. Interestingly, interventions such as background checks, licensing, prohibition of military style firearms, and prohibiting large-capacity magazines, were not specifically associated with changes in the incidence and deaths by mass homicide by firearms. The benefit from the consistency of firearms regulations in Canada eliminates the confounders in US studies due to the differing regulations across states. Recommended areas for data collection by Statistics Canada to aid future study include locations of incidents, the interpersonal relationship between perpetrator and victim, and the perpetrator’s motivation for mass homicide.

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

Somewhat related. The Minister involved in this little chit show is the same Mendicino working the anti-firearm mess

Ottawa urges RCMP to ban use of sponge rounds, CS gas for crowd control

The federal government says it wants the RCMP to ban the use of two crowd-control tools that forces across the country say they have in their arsenals: sponge rounds and CS gas.

70c8fc80Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino’s office confirmed that it wants the measures outlawed, even as the RCMP declines to say whether or not it will comply with that instruction.

The decision to restrict even the use of “less lethal” alternatives to crowd-control tools such as rubber bullets and stronger forms of tear gas has some critics questioning whether the federal Liberals are playing politics with policing.

“Removing less lethal options from our members’ available options raises real concerns for public and police officer safety,” National Police Union president Brian Sauve said in a statement.

“It looks like political theatre and has absolutely nothing to do with law enforcement operations.”


Standard liberal tactic. Got humiliated with C 21 - DEFLECT Immediately!
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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

Government Backs Down On Gun Ban, But They're Not Going To Give Up -- A Lawyer Explains

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by Carnivorous »

Imagine the conversation leading up to pulling back on the hunting rifle ban! Lol

We all know they were testing us legal gun owners to see if we would stand together for the cause... :)
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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

Further action needed to combat unpopular Liberal gun laws, says Alberta minister

Alberta Justice Minister Tyler Shandro says the Liberal government is still intent on banning shotguns and rifles.

Early Friday morning, Liberals on the House of Commons Public Safety committee withdrew a controversial amendment to Bill C-21, which would ban numerous models of rifles and shotguns, including those primarily used by hunters, farmers, and sport shooters.

Shandro said firearms owners across Canada “breathed a sigh of relief” when the announcement became public — until a statement from Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino “made it clear” that the decision to remove the amendments “was merely a pause in their campaign.”

“It is becoming increasingly clear that further action will need to be taken to respond to the federal government’s hostility towards hunters, farmers, sport shooters and Indigenous Peoples,” Shandro said in a statement.

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