
Crossbow Hunting

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Post by wabi »

You were close to my county (Adams) when you were in Pike. Lots of acorns here, too. The bucks are working scrapes here, and movement is erratic. I'll see several one evening, then none for a few days. Where I hunt also has a lot of corn and soybean crops nearby so they have a variety of dishes on the menu right now. My food plot has clover, and a blend of wheat, oats, and brassicas (turnips). It seem like they like to stop by for a sample when the mood hits, but it doesn't hit too often right now. Also been throwing out pawpaws, persimmons, and a few apples, plus I have a feeder with corn. I turned the feeder to it's lowest setting though, just not attracting the deer right now. It may be a while before they have to come to the food plot regularly, but at least I know they know where it is!
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kendo kid
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Post by kendo kid »

The pre-rut is on. I watched young bucks chasing does this weekend. I have also seen huge hog tracks in the fields. These are tracks that are a straight line going from point A to point B with one purpose. . . finding does. Just north of Toronto they are moving. The hot weather is driving them nocturnal when it is cooler and more comfortable to move about. The rut is progressing. Wabi's call worked wonders this weekend on a little four pointer. He his still alive and well but I call him him with Wabi's doe bleat. I became his alternative to the unwilling doe he was ripping through the forest with. I watched them for 50 minutes in the cool early morning on Saturday.

My suggestion to those that are not seeing deer is to get out of the trees and spend some time speed scouting. The deer are there but perhaps their travel pattern has altered due to feed, long summer, hot weather, dry condtions or other unkown factors. Use a climber or portable and move fast to check corridors leading to bedding areas. In hot weather hunt the cool glades and edges of swamps. Your day of speed scouting is time well spent if you are not seeing deer in your present stands. You have two choices: Wait them out on your present stand or go find them and set your ambush. Also keep an eye open for scrapes in the deep woods as they indicate good travel corridors and in an environment that is cool enough to encourage at least some movement.

Weather is due to cool off next week.

I hope it helps.
Kendo Kid
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Post by Partikle »

November luck has changed. I had 3 does under my stand this morning. :D :D :D
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Same thing here

Post by MichiganBill »

I own 90 acres of perhaps some of the best deer hunting prpoerty in southern Michigan. To date, I have seen 2 does! And that was a week ago Friday


Because aftter the first 40 days of the season, I have only been able to get out hunting a grand total of 2 1/12 hours. Work demands, biz travel, son's football (still playing) have kept me out of the woods except for one brief jaunt two Fridays ago!

Do I feel bad? Not really. Afew of my pals have been hunting my place during my absence and they have been skunked as well. The weather has just been too darn warm in s/e lower MI. Heck, even some of the corn is still standing I'm told (I live 100 miles from my property).
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Post by Livtahunt »

I dont really like this time change either but im still seeing plenty of deer I just cant see any shooter bucks
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Post by Partikle »

I saw 3 does saturday morning under my stand and a little buck this morning eating under another stand I was sitting at, here he is. (Hard to see the little antlers on him.)
I had the scope on him a couple of time at about 8 yards but he was way too small. It's nice to see the deer finally starting to move again in Eastern Ontario.
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Post by Hoss »

Yep been huntin turkeys more than deer it seems..BUT today saw some chasin across the street so its ON boys in Oklahoma...Going out in the ambush me a nice one I hope........
Dedicated.... ta all the sweet Bucks yet ta die!
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Post by Kenton »

i was out 13 hours this weekend and saw one doe 80 yards off a that was in the first hour. i've never had trouble like this, even when i just began hunting so it can't be me, can it?
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