STS Schock Suppressors broke my fast flight string!

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Re: STS Schock Suppressors broke my fast flight string!

Post by wabi »

The wear at the points marked "A" are from the "claws" that hold the string and are normal. Depending on the draw weight of the bow how quickly they wear the serving will vary. If wear seems to be fast you might want to inspect (and perhaps lightly sand with very fine grit sandpaper) the claws.
The wear at point "B" has me confused. Is that from a cocking aid?
If so, I'd inspect it very carefully, too!

The strand that is loose could very well be broken under the serving!!!!!!!!
If it is - something is wrong!!!!!!!!!!!
Either a defective string, the items wearing the serving, or the STS (if the damage happened after you shot it with the STS installed) is not working properly.
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Re: STS Schock Suppressors broke my fast flight string!

Post by wabi »

Re-read your post and if that string was on the bow when it was dry-fired that's probably the cause of the loose strand.
Throw that string away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It may have damage hidden by the serving! :wink:
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Re: STS Schock Suppressors broke my fast flight string!

Post by bdog »

I have a STS on two bows..Vortex and an Ibex,yes the fit could be better on the blocks,rods could also fit better,now the STS I just put on the Ibex I used the NGSS rods and they do WORK with out cutting no complaints,either cut the stock rods,no big deal, or get a hold of new guy and try his(rods),I like the rods New Guy has,for a fair price give him a call,they retro fit right into the ORIGINAL STS,and work.....
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