Not a rant, just an observation.

Crossbow Hunting

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Re: Not a rant, just an observation.

Post by TheTinker »

colouredchameleon wrote:interesting title to this Thread

Not a Rant, just an Observation

RANT is to scold vehemently.
If you say that someone rants, you mean that they talk loudly or angrily, and exaggerate or say foolish things.

I think it is time to kill this thread as well.

Just an observation mind you. :roll:
"I think it is time to kill this thread as well."

This is a parallel thread and is headed 'South' [also].

These types of problems rest on the shoulders of forum members themselves. Some of us just cannot resist stirring in the POO. Others cannot just rest their case and pull up their zipper. This circle of nonsense will only cease when members of the forum realize that after a certain point, it becomes a dogged case of ego mending and refuse to participate further. Why work up a lather over some 'chick' with an alternative lifestyle who is anti-gun? She threw a 'bone' and we all ran after it.. a "gotcha" complements of her. ...Why does such an issue even deserve a corner of our memory? If we cannot ignore it initially, let's forget it as the past.

Identify those kind of responses and refuse to march behind like mesmerized mice :roll:

...Just MY observation mind you...
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