I guess thieves are beginning to rut...

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I guess thieves are beginning to rut...

Post by DuckHunt »

..because they are on the move a few places.

After last season I had not planned to hunt in Virginia any longer. After finding out some clarifications about transport of carcases across state lines I got permission from the landowner to hunt there again this year. I went out last Sunday to a the small piece of private property to set everything up since I removed all of my gear at the end of last season.

It was a chore. I spent about 4 hours clearing a trail with a mower and weed-eater. I carried about 300 pounds of gear up about 200 feet in elevation and erected a heavy two-man stand and one hang on with a climbing stick. It took four trips up the elevation climb to get everything set up.

I decided not to set up my ground blind due to the lack of level ground so I packed it back out as I left. When I got to the bottom of the hill near the freshly mowed trail I noticed that I still had my deer dolly and a foam cushion that needed to stay. Since this is private land and I have never seen any other hunters on or near it, I decided to leave the dolly and cushion at the bottom of the hill. I figured I would pick up the cushion on my next trip up the hill. I was just planning on leaving the dolly at the bottom of the hill since the dragging down to that point is normally rather easy. It would come in handy for the last few hundred yards out to the truck.

When I took my son out on the youth hunt Saturday my dolly and the seat cushion were gone. :evil: Neither of the items that were stolen were of significant value, but just the thought that someone would steal them bugs the crap out of me. Honestly, I'm glad that they stole the dolly. That thing was the most frustrating piece of crap that I've ever taken into the woods. It probably had more deer strapped under it that on it. I only hope that whomever stole it owns if for the rest of their life. That would be karma.

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Re: I guess thieves are beginning to rut...

Post by Xbowkiller »

Thieves are everywhere. Sorry to hear. Maybe members will buy you a new cart.
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Re: I guess thieves are beginning to rut...

Post by theoldarcher »

I was sitting in my stand this evening before dark and a young man dressed in a brown stripped button up, blue jeans and bow in had walked out of the woods 40 yards away. When I hollored at him to see if he had permission to hunt this property he tried to tell me he was looking for the boundery lines of the property he was hunting. I ask him who the property belonged to and he pointed north and started to say those people. I stopped him and told him I knew the owners of the property and they allowed no hunting. I told him in no uncertain terms to leave and he slithered back into the woods. I'm afraid he will come back now and get my treetstand.
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Re: I guess thieves are beginning to rut...

Post by rayman »

Thieves must stay in rut. It's a shame people aren't more respectfull.
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Re: I guess thieves are beginning to rut...

Post by deerhunter0430 »

last week someone try to steal two of my Bushnell trophy camera but they couln't pry them off the tree.I have them lag bolted to the tree inside 1/4 inch steel boxes........so they just smashed the crap out of the lenses and photo cells ....... sons of bitches !!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
2010 equinox,groundpounder,boo string.S5,100 gr grim reapers

Re: I guess thieves are beginning to rut...

Post by MarkMarine »

[quote="DuckHunt] Honestly, I'm glad that they stole the dolly. That thing was the most frustrating piece of crap that I've ever taken into the woods. It probably had more deer strapped under it that on it. I only hope that whomever stole it owns if for the rest of their life. That would be karma.


LOL, I have a blind I feel the same way about! However, I have found that Karma comes best on the heels of a kick in the keester :) Whoever did that needs a good ole fashioned whompin' and a stompin'!
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Re: I guess thieves are beginning to rut...

Post by OneShot »

Seems to be no honor among thieves !

Carma will one day make the ground level again ! The hunting GODS will deal with this scumbags justice - or you can cast a spell out in the newspaper as we did ..............
May your crops die of blight - in the fields you plant ------ and every effort you put forth from now on be fruitless !

May every tool you use to try to feed your family be defective and rendered useless- a pox shall be fall you and all you friends and relatives!

Now and forever until you admit your wrong doing - may ever effort you attempt fail and a bliyte be place on your crops in the fields of life - you low life vermen parasite of a human being !

Low life seems to be of an over abundance world wide !!!!!!!!!

Keep your head up and know all honest people feel your pain and are beside you as we try over come this occurance.

You will advance and tryump to accieve your goals !

Leave the concrete jungle behind and just go hunting !
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Re: I guess thieves are beginning to rut...

Post by rayman »

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
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Re: I guess thieves are beginning to rut...

Post by MADMAX2 »

We are in hard times,but no excuse to become a thieve karma will bite em in the ass!! :lol:
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Re: I guess thieves are beginning to rut...

Post by j.krug »

Sorry to hear that man!
Pretty bad when all you think about on your way to your hunting spot is whether or not your gear will still be there when you arrive!! :twisted:
Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars.

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