String Wax?

Crossbow Hunting

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String Wax?

Post by bayman1975 »

I've got the Excalibur Serving Wax for the serving on my Exocet, but do you use the same wax for the string itself, or do you use regular string wax?

Also, what's the best thing to use to lubricate the rail?

Anybody ever tried 3m Teflon Dry Lube on their rail. It says it reduces friction without allowing grit to build up. Just curious.

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Re: String Wax?

Post by Big58cal »

As far as wax, the "best" string wax you can use is Dalton's String Conditioner. It's relatively soft and really gets into the fibers of the string and keeps them in good shape. For the serving, I use a little thicker/harder silicon string wax by Bohning and wax the serving every 10-12 shots or so. I would rather have too much as not enough and have premature serving wear.

As far as putting anything on the rail, it's recommended against. The best thing that you can do is just keep it clean. If you start to get a wax build up on the rail, take the side of a credit card or something like that and scrape the wax off the rail.

There's nothing wrong with the Excalibur wax and I have some that I use on occassion. Just if I'm shooting quite a bit, I figure the string and serving are getting a pretty good workout, so I keep them lubed really well. The Excalibur wax is just a little hard for my liking if I'm doing a lot of shooting. :wink:
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Re: String Wax?

Post by roly »

There is a product out called EX-Lube, that Excal says lubes the rail and it added a few FPS and helped with string wear. I am trying some now, you don't need to use much.

This is what Excal Marketing Dude said

The new Ex-Lube and Ex-Oil have both proven to work well during our testing. The Ex-Lube is a rail lube that actually helped us to gain a few FPS when testing the stuff and it did help with string wear. We still also offer the wax for the serving which is still a good way to go. The oiler is just a handy thing to keep around and works great in the trigger.

At the ATA show we had a shooting lane and used both of these products and after over 300 shots the string on our new Eclipse XT still looked new so it sure doesn’t hurt to use it. You know us at Excalibur, we don't change our story often but we can't ignore new stuff and Ex-Lube is good stuff. My only advice is don't put too much on, I got carried away with the Ex-Lube and the crossbow was shooting goo all over the place...not a problem just a bit messy.
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Re: String Wax?

Post by joe171 »

Big58cal wrote:As far as wax, the "best" string wax you can use is Dalton's String Conditioner. It's relatively soft and really gets into the fibers of the string and keeps them in good shape. For the serving, I use a little thicker/harder silicon string wax by Bohning and wax the serving every 10-12 shots or so. I would rather have too much as not enough and have premature serving wear.

As far as putting anything on the rail, it's recommended against. The best thing that you can do is just keep it clean. If you start to get a wax build up on the rail, take the side of a credit card or something like that and scrape the wax off the rail.

There's nothing wrong with the Excalibur wax and I have some that I use on occassion. Just if I'm shooting quite a bit, I figure the string and serving are getting a pretty good workout, so I keep them lubed really well. The Excalibur wax is just a little hard for my liking if I'm doing a lot of shooting. :wink:
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Re: String Wax?

Post by rej »

I have used the #1989 flemish string from the very first shot on my vortex. As many on here have said it has a lot of creep. I have not dry fired yet so cannot comment to the stuff about limb damage. Put S5 on in any event.

I use daltons for the string and serving. On a new string I warm it up with thumb rubbing, lightly wax the flemish loops and rub em. Put string on and set to brace height and leave it overnight then start shooting and dealing with the creep as it happens. I rub the serving after every shooting session to work up wax for next time and lightly wax after about 75 shots. Keep the rail clean and do not lube it. I learned all this reading on here and it encouraged me to do my own servings that last a lot longer. I think this is because you are working with a string that has been broke in. The #1989's I got had the older green serving on them which went away after about 60 shots.

How long will a 1989 flemish string last if cared for properly? Two of mine are close to 1000 shots and seem okay.
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