Using a non-laser range finder, this season

Crossbow Hunting

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Using a non-laser range finder, this season

Post by Roadrunnr72 »

Well, last year when I was out hunting, I lost my rangefinder, a Bushnell. I had it in a quick detatch pockets on the side of my pack. Had to travel through some thick brush, and it decided to quickly detach,, somewhere. Being in the camo pocket and the brush, I never could find it. Lesson learned, I don't use the belt with the quick detatch anymore. So this year, I'm going back to my first rangefinder, a cheap non-laser. The only pic I could find, in my short search was on eBay: ... 25757c41be

. For those that have not seen one, when you look through it, you will see 2 views, turn a little wheel and line up the two images to make it one, then look to the left and you see the yards. I bought this when I couldn't afford a laser one, and now find myself ack in the same situation. Can't complain, as it still works. I just finished checking the calibration, which is user adjustable, and at 45 yrds was off, just a touch, recalibrated and seems to pretty accurate. Anyone else using one of these? Sure isn't going to reach out and touch a long shot, but for bow (as in X-bow :D) it'll work fine. Our season starts Oct 6th for whitetail..........RR
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Re: Using a non-laser range finder, this season

Post by koko »

I had some of them. I had the 75 yrd one, and a 60 yrd one, and I had a little black one that went to 50 yrds. One would break and I would buy another one. I even found that I had one called a Ranging 610 that went from 15 to 200 yrds. I didn't even remember that I had that one till I went looking. They got you close to the exact yardage. But don't bump them to hard or drop them, because you have to recalibrate them over and over again. Even if you squeezed the unit to hard when you where looking thru it the images move up and down and don't line up properly. What I didn't like was if the sun wasn't out - early morning or late afternoon or on a cloudy day it is hard to see the 2 images and bring them together. I finally went out and brought a Leica 900 laser range finder. Now all I have to do is make sure it has a good battery in it and I turn it off every time.
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