Late Season Archery Report

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Late Season Archery Report

Post by IronNoggin »

Hello Folks - Been a Spell - Too Damn Busy Hunting! :lol:

As some here already know, my departure for the mainland this year was delayed by a series of unfortunate events (story of my life this year). First, the day before I was to depart I tore the trailer wiring harness off the truck (hunting of course) which shorted out all the lights. Interesting drive home through the mountains in the dark without them, and along the way hit a bump which cracked the windshield in several places. Limped home only to discover the main house furnace had decided to calve (literally as I walked in the door). With temperatures at minus 10, it was time to plead with the neighbor (hunting so much I have yet to put away the winter wood supply) and get the old woodstove fired up.

Truck to the shop the next day, thankfully a quick & relatively painless fix.
Not so much for the furnace. Motor pulled - Yup - FRIED.
Impatiently chopping more fuel as I awaited The Call the next day. "No can do. Motor is dated. New one ordered and in, but needs specialty parts to fit into the assembly. Maybe tomorrow". CRAP!

Panicky call to the Missuz and She agrees to meet Furnace Man the next day to get it taken care of... Madly going through gear and final packing. Only a day (and mucho coin) late... No Sleep of course that night as Dreams of What Might Be raced through my head...

Up early the next day, final check in the dark, and finally OFF! :D

As many of my hunting reports begin, this one does as well. Truck idling, First (Only actually) in the Ferry line, and way early...


Uneventful crossing on the route I almost never take. Reason this time was a pick-up of a Sweet 16 gauge double close by on the landing end. More than I had imagined it would be, so starting the Big Wander with a smile...
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Re: Late Season Archery Report

Post by IronNoggin »

The lightish traffic kept that smile in place UNTIL I passed a ways Beyond Hope.
Then the smile turned to a tight clenched Grimace as I realized that the low temperatures had turned much of the Coq into a curling rink. Even tighter jaws and white knuckles through the close inspection of the Connector (even worse shape). Saw 5 wrecks along the way, 2 on the Coq, 3 on the Connector.

Decided to make a quick little Stress Relief stop, pulled out the 16 and blew up a coke can. Shooting Sweet, and the smile slowly came back. Away again...

Arrived at my Hunting Partner's Hacienda to a most excellent greeting and fine dining! Gotta LOVE your Buddies when they treat you line this! Battle Plans reviewed for the next day, we settled into another damn near sleepless night...

The next day we had chosen to land at Rock Creek area for our initial survey. Little Honey Hole there has treated us right well over the years, and we were optimistic even with the dismal reports from that area this year.

Minus 24, snow over ice conditions kept us to a crawl all the way in.
Then The Look.
Under these conditions (exactly as reported by many this year) the deer were scant, and damn SPOOKED! In the 4 or 5 hours were wandered in there, we only witnessed 6 deer - ALL Rockets at well beyond bow range. Damn!!

Decided to extract to another area, regrouped back at the truck, and began to wander away. Along the way a rather unwise grouse decided to cross our path. Having never taken a grouse with my Matrix, I decided this was an Opportunity NOT to be passed!

Quickly selected a judo arrow point head from amongst my arsenal, and began The Stalk. Closed to 35 yards and had a clear shot. Dead Rest, anchored the sights smack between the 30 & 40 yard chevrons and centered right at the "armpit" of the broadside target. Let Er Go!!!

Bird literally folded on impact. Judo point and arrow literally BLEW Right Through the bird and off to Points Unknown (Guess the Matrix 380 is a "little" heavy for grouse!).
But... First Blood of the trip, and the First Grouse for the Matrix! Smiling again!


So on to hopefully Better things...

Decided to make the run to Christian Valley, where we have several Honey Holes pretty well guaranteed to produce at least a little Excitement.

A few shots of the areas as we approached to give you an idea of the country side:




Certainly was BEAUTIFUL all draped in snow! And that played well with our usual Modus Operandii. We know "our" areas pretty well, and usually choose a three point method to assess them. Roll in and quietly cruise the area seeking fresh sign - with the new snow this was readily accomplished. Second, Hit The Boots and still hunt while checking bedding and feeding areas, all the while hoping for Stage Three: The Spot & Stalk...
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Re: Late Season Archery Report

Post by IronNoggin »

The first couple of places were holding decent numbers of deer, but once again the weather conditions were a tad tough for closing within bow range. Both my Partner & I although Well Seasoned and Practiced are DAMN Fussy about the shots we take. Thus even as our sightings increased fairly quickly, the "Perfect Opportunity" continued to elude...

Finally, in Spot Number Five, I saw a beauty Big Dry Doe feeding along completely oblivious to my presence. Ever so slowly I crept along, attempting to circle her for the broadside shot I wanted. What felt like hours as my heart hammered in my chest (was Certain she would hear that!) was likely but half that. Then, a basketball sized hole in the dense timber, exactly through to her chest as she fed. 42 yards ranged. Dead rest again, and sent one of Big John's beautiful creations on it's way. Tense split seconds as the Luminock streaked away in the dusk! Loud WHACK, and away she goes in Full Bore. Hmmmm...

Sat a while my partner made his way over. Good Shot he queried. I think so my reply. Over to the glowing Luminock - blood literally Everywhere. Won't be far I mumbled! Yup - 22 yard recovery. Nicked the heart and took both lungs. Blood trail a blind man could follow. Those Spitfires certainly do their job WELL! DEER DOWN Day One!! :D


Very Fat & Healthy 3 year old - some of the Best Grits a man can hope for!!


Fetched the truck, loaded her up, and crawled our way home on those treacherous roads...

Total sightings for the day approached 50 deer, and ZERO hunters! Makes for a Damn Good Feeling for the lengthy extraction and all the way home!
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Re: Late Season Archery Report

Post by IronNoggin »

Actually got some sleep that night, but awoke to POUNDING rain a little before 4:30am.
Not Good I mumbled to my Partner as we assembled for the day. Even with the sightings of the previous day, we decided to make a play at one of our Muley spots in another direction. Roads were simply not good along the way, and the rain quickly polished the glaze turning every single side road into a Nightmare! :shock:

Nonetheless, we persevered, and struggled our way into the "Best" spot in the area.
Quick and Dirty patrols well indicated all the sign was several days old and fading. Only a couple of fresh prints, and those closing to very dense cover as quickly as they could...

Regroup back at the truck, and made the decision to roll South towards yesterday's action. The "shortcut" from Kelowna to the Christian Vally quickly became a rather Long-Cut as the rain turned to snow. The higher we went, the more the snow POUNDED down on the freshly glazed ice. Damn Good Thing the Missuz sprung for those new tires! Even with them I was Very Tense every inch of the way!

Upon arrival at our first location, it became rapidly obvious that the deer here were also seeking shelter in the deepest / thickest stuff they could wiggle in to. Sightings over the afternoon were less than half of the previous day, and of course they were all wary and beyond bow range.

Towards dusk I happened to spot a smallish 3 point whitetail working a valley bottom.
Possibility perhaps...
Tiptoeing and trying to use the cover to my benefit, I finally reached a range I believed was workable. 50 yards read the rangefinder. Another Dead Rest, Control the breathing with the 50 yard chevron smack in the middle of his chest. Watched carefully as he turned slightly to stare the opposite direction and present a beautiful broadside image. Safety Off, slight squeeze and WTH???

One of the mechanical blades deployed upon firing - a First with these. The arrow went into a Wicked Spiral - 6-8 feet right, 10 feet straight up, 8 feet left and then directly to dirt smack between us. Disappointed For Sure, but Damn Happy the now rapidly departing buck was doing so completely unscathed!

Thought about switching to fixed heads, then quickly dismissed that idea. I have never seen these Spitfires deploy early like that, and So Much LIKE the Devastation they wreck that I decided to give them another chance...

A few more sightings that day, but no real opportunities. Tired and somewhat disappointed, we set out on the horrible roads northwards. That drive it seemed took FOREVER! :(

Total for the day, less than 25 sightings, and only the one opportunity. This time two sets of hunters...
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Re: Late Season Archery Report

Post by IronNoggin »

Sleep came right quick after a good feed of the day before's liver - extremely well prepared by my Chef of a Partner! The tension of the drive both ways had me so bagged I could barely keep my eyes open, and I literally Collapsed into dreams of Endless Opportunities...

When my Partner booted me out of the rack, I felt as though I had been asleep but mere minutes. Nonetheless I was Ready To Roll within minutes, and we once again set our sights on Points South.

The roads were little better than the previous day, and to my embarrassment and chagrin I actually dozed off for quite a spell leaving my Buddy to fend for us both along the way.

First spot produced a rather easy opportunity at 30 yards. Small. Too Small, and he got The Pass.

Next produced two sets of hunters. Move along.

A shot of the Kettle as we rolled by:


Next THREE sets of hunters on quads and snow machines. EEK! :evil:

Next was two Cougar Rigs with hounds on the go and snow machines In Pursuit.

Finally the next looked far less traveled, and we has cause for somewhat elevated Hope. Short Lived that is. One of the better access trails already had a rig parked there, and Two-Leg bootprints wandering right into the heart of the matter. Bummer.

On and on this type of "action" was repeated. It was mid-afternoon before we found a place to have a boo. That particular area produced several sightings, and indeed an opportunity of sorts for me. But with one dry doe down, another simply wasn't on the menu so another Pass. Certainly wish she had introduced herself to my Partner rather than me!!

The road had improved greatly over the day with the rain, and we made much better time on the disappointing wander home.

And with a sudden nightfall, day three was done.
Sightings were but 7, with one non-opportunity amongst them.
25+ hunters had descended, and things certainly showed it!

Day four was re-group day for me (NEEDED a little Rest) while my Partner returned to work to ensure all was running smoothly...
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Re: Late Season Archery Report

Post by IronNoggin »

Day 5 (4th of Hunting) came early with Anticipation running HARD through our veins!
Given the amount of traffic we had seen down south, the decision was made to re-try the closer Muley area. The main road along the way was now clear, and we arrived to the first spot just before first light...

Within minutes while stopped for a chat, we saw a spike Muley wandering a nearby mountainside. Whatcha Think says my Partner? Game ON was my grinned reply... :twisted:
This time of year I hunt mainly for Food, and that spike certainly looked downright TASTY!

Although the little bugger was somewhat aware of my uphill approach, he did not panic. In fact he stalled at 40 yards, with far too much brush between us to even consider a shot. Same again 100 yards later. Then another stop at 60 yards, but again FAR to much interference for a safe conclusion. Finally after an hour of this game he had enough, and bolted straight uphill. Not overly disappointed, it was a FUN game of Cat & Mouse, and with the bow, they Win usually more often than not...

Pulled out, regrouped, and set off to the next location.
Within moments of our arrival and less than 100 steps from the truck I spotted a larger bodied 2 point Muley sneaking along an ancient cut line. Although I figured I knew where he was likely headed, I was immediately concerned as that approach is even more heavily brushed in than the previous one. Well... you Never Win if you don't try...

At about 60 yards the buck finally became aware something wasn't quite right. He froze and scanned all around him as I ever so cautiously placed each careful step when he was looking elsewhere. Heart HAMMERING again, I desperately looked for anything resembling an opening as I closed. Something downhill slightly spooked the buck, and he moved just a tad closer, again however with dense brush between us. Desperately looking for The Angle through the brush with the rangefinder, I clocked him at 43 yards. Then, as if by Magic, there it was!! An opening perhaps 10 inches in diameter, but not on his chest (the shot I prefer by FAR!). The way was clear, but centered on slightly above where his neck met the body. Mind now Racing, I went over the many hundreds of times this bow has produced golf-ball and smaller groups at this range. Hmmmm... Dead Rest, 40 yard chevron planted firmly on the Sweet Spot. His head turned to look back downhill, presenting me with the widest Margin Of Error I was going to get. His body tensed slightly as he stared HARD downhill away from us. Now or Never, and before I even realized it another Big John Work of Art Streaked from the Matrix. Watching INTENTLY through the scope, I saw the Luminock disappear when it reached the target. And I mean DISAPPEAR!

Settled back on my haunches to collect my wits and run over what just happened in my mind. If that shot was true he would not be far...
Partner wanders over - Let's go see...

A big pull of White hair (lower throat patch was the aiming point) followed immediately by great volumes of obviously spouting blood. Dam Good Sign. Very Easy follow, but to both of our amazement he went damn near 60 yards?

Here is the As He Lay shot, in which you can easily see the blood trail was literally Immense!


And a shot showing the massive entrance wound:


Although a shot I would be very hesitant to recommend to any but the Most Experienced, it did Exactly as designed: Cut both carotid arteries and the windpipe! Upon cleaning him we discovered less than a tablespoon of blood inside - it had simply poured out everywhere upon his departure route.

Now Tagged Out, we spent the balance of the day searching for another Muley for my Partner. We did manage to see many does, and finally near dusk another spike buck. Wasn't in the cards for that fellow unfortunately, as one of his many doe companions finally busted my Buddy while on Final Approach.

No disappointment this day though, we wandered home full of that Warm Feeling that Success in The Pursuit can bring!

We loaded the deer & most of my gear that same night and had another Great Visit rehashing our Adventure of the past several days. Tad is The Best Bow Hunting Partner a man could EVER ask for! His Generosity, his Experience and his Professionalism are all absolutely second to NONE, and I Thoroughly Enjoy being afield with him! Makes The Gig SO much more FUN with someone like him by your side!

The ride to the ferry was uneventful except seeing 3 wrecks along the way. Dunno how they managed that, as by then the roads were Fine (IMHO) due to the warming trend of the last 2 days.

The ferry was another story. Rode up just as the sign switched from "On Time" to CANCELLED! AAARRRGGGHH! 3 hour wait, and finally onboard.

Then the wander through the Carnage of the last Big Storm from Nanaimo to Port was MORE than interesting. Must have been downright INTENSE to be in the eye of that one!!

Woke to 10 degree temperatures yesterday, and simply could not hold the deer in that. My Island Hunting Partner wandered over, and between the two of us we had them cut & wrapped by late afternoon. And Oh, BTW, that whitetail is indeed as TASTY as I thought she might be! :wink:

Thus concludes another late archery season on the mainland for me, and as the season on The Rock has now faded into history, it is actually The End of it for another year. Had many Great Hunts with Good Buddies, and am already Looking Forward to the next! And Here's Hoping my Bowhunting Partner will forgive my sin of wandering off with his new hunting boots rather than my own second set! Honest Mistake Buddy! I am indeed Sorry and hope you will forgive me enough so we can hunt this late season again next year!!

PS: Anyone wandering from Vancouver Island towards Kelowna in the next little while with room for a set of boots, I have a Marvelous Reward in mind if you could carry them back to their rightful owner...

Oh, and a final PS: The reason I was tagged out had to do with a Blacktail a little bit before this hunt.
I will get to that story, for it may be interesting to some...
Unlikely today though as I am now WAY behind on the rather lengthy list of chores that follow being away...

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Re: Late Season Archery Report

Post by Fletch2 »

Thanks for the story and pics :D
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Re: Late Season Archery Report

Post by paulaboutform »

Dang it Matt, you tell the best stories. It's great hearing them first hand but I sure look forward to reading them! Very well done buddy. Awesome shooting and congratulations! Thanks for sharing. :wink:
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Re: Late Season Archery Report

Post by Normous »

I have said it before and I will say it again, I kindly suggest writing a book, your writing style is captivating and I read them all Matt. I'll toast to your good health tonight, all the best during the holidays to you, your special wife and family.
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Re: Late Season Archery Report

Post by Carnivorous »

Simply amazing story!!

I felt like I was on the hunt with you.

Thanks for sharing that with us...


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Re: Late Season Archery Report

Post by RexKay »

Just another incredible read!! Congrats on your harvests from the quest!
Amazing pictures and story.

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Re: Late Season Archery Report

Post by xcaliber »

Very good read, and congrats on the fine trip. Your writing skills are outstanding Nog, and you have a way of taking folks along on the journey! :D
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Re: Late Season Archery Report

Post by vixenmaster »

Sounded like some great hunting, congrats on yer deer
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Re: Late Season Archery Report

Post by wabi »

bellerivercrossbowhunter wrote:Simply amazing story!!

I felt like I was on the hunt with you.

Thanks for sharing that with us...


I actually read every word as I was captivated by your adventures!
Congratulations on a successful season!!!!!!!
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Re: Late Season Archery Report

Post by Sandman »

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