Crossbow Hunting

Moderator: Excalibur Marketing Dude



Post by Guest »

Those useless tree eating bastard spiny pigs have found my corn again this year. They tend to hit the patch about a week before it matures for picking.
Last year I did some night-ops and took out 4 of them in the corn. If I have to stay up late and whack'em with the six shooter again I will.
Anyone else have an option that DOES'NT involve trapping them??!!

Thanks much.
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Post by chris4570 »

Transplant a fisher! Earlier this year, while the snow was still on the ground, I came across 6 porqupine carcasses, devoid of flesh and limbs. When I returned, during turkey season, I discovered another dozen or so. I have seen very few porqupines since the fisher came to this area. It use to be that I could see at least one if not three or four per visit, now I'm lucky if I see one.

I don't know if fisher are native to your area but if they are and they find their way to your corn patch you soon won't have a problem!!
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Post by Evan »

My wife gave up trying to grow sweet corn. The coons seem to be able to read her mind and take it all the night before she's going to pick it. And I lose up to 1/3 of my concord grape crop each year to coons and possums. It varies each year, probably depending on how much other food is available to them.

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Post by claude »

I wouldn't be to quick to jump on the fisher idea they'll kill just about
anything in the area short of grizzly bears

Post by Guest »

Back in the early 70's, Vermont imported a large number of fishers to help control the rampant number of spiny pigs that were causing serious damage to our forests. It was a success.

fyi: Fishers are native to Vermont.

30 years later I seldom see fishers where I live. This accounts for the population explosion of those nasty destructive rodents.

I need to contact the State and inquire about trying to import more Canadian Fishers.

Thanks for the replies.
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Post by BUCKSHOT »

I guess the role of the porcupine is not valuable to natures fragile inter-relationships, by the way you talk!
Kill them all, what the hell, eh!
Enjoy the Harvest!

Re: Humm!

Post by Guest »

BUCKSHOT wrote:I guess the role of the porcupine is not valuable to natures fragile inter-relationships, by the way you talk!
Kill them all, what the hell, eh!
With a name like BUCKSHOT I'd expect such a comment. Buckshot from a shotgun is a terrible wounder of deer. THAT'S a FACT!

Now,... getting back to taking care of a pest that affects my livelyhood: Yaaa, you can buy your corn and vegies at the store, but guess what, someone has to put in a lot of labor and time to get that crop from seed to market.

Think about that the next time you eat produce.
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Say What You Like

Post by BUCKSHOT »

Lower yourself to whichever level you like Big Guy!
We do grow our own food in Canada, and we actually take care of things in a less hatefull way than you Carl!
I don't shoot every deer that eats out of my garden, I guess I'll start though and be just like you! :wink:
Cool eh!
Enjoy the Harvest!

Post by Guest »

Perhaps you missed something in my last post. Or perhaps you're a PETA plant.

"Taking care of a pest that affects my livelyhood".

Is that clear enough for you??!! You've NO respect for FARMERS!!!!!!!!
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Post by Tigerpaw »

Hey there "BUCKSHOT" You have had some great posts in the past but this is one that you are a bit off on. The man is a farmer as was my father and his father before him. I will always be on the side of not killing for no good reason but dam it man we are talking about the mans income here!!! I have never seen a canadian farmer how would not kill anything that stood in his way if it ment his job!! And on another note you and I can sit around and think that we are somehow better then the americans but we only lead the good free life we lead in large part because of our friends to the south!
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Easy Now

Post by BUCKSHOT »

Carl, it is not that I do not appreciate what you do! I totally understand and respect what you do to earn a living. I also realize that at times you need to protect your income!
I am not a member of PETA or whatever they are, it's just that I got irked with the way you explained your problem!
It sounded like you were trashing what we all appreciate, Nature!
I apologize for offending you!

BTW I would have said the same thing to anyone else, had they made me feel the same way! We are all entitled to our opinions!
Enjoy the Harvest!

Post by Guest »

Accepted. Try not to prejudge others and their motives in the future,..especially established members of this forum. :wink:

I've been here a while and think I've gained some respect (as little as it may be) with fellow long term members.

PS. I make a much better friend, than I do an enemy.
Last edited by Guest on Sun Aug 01, 2004 10:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Red Label

Post by Red Label »

footnote - I saw in the local paper last week the SPCA is looking for a guy who live-trapped a skunk and threw it in the river to drown....they want to press cruelty charges.

posted for discussion only......Mike
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Post by boogap »

Dispatching animals by drowning is probably the most humane method you can do. Just because the animal is caught in a box trap doesnt mean it was going to be released.
The spca are hippocrites, they kill thousands of cats and dogs every year. How much more humane is lethal injection? :roll:
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Post by chris4570 »

Boogap, lethal injection is very humane. I have witnessed it thousands of times. It takes less than 2 seconds for the euthanol to work. The only pain is from a needle puncture, which in many cases is overshadowed by something far more painful. Drowning is not humane. Have you ever had a near drowning experience? I have and I tell you it is scary as hell! Not being able to get to the surface. Panicing. Can't call for help. Lungs dieing for some air. You hold on. You 're getting weaker from lack of oxygen. Pretty soon your body will take over and try to get air only to suck in a teaspoon of water. Your body won't let you breathe. And you die.

Obviously I was fortunate, and my father pulled me out just before my body took over.
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