The prospect of finding the turkey hunting equipment a guy needs in AB is dismal. Anyone in Barrie need an excuse to go to Cabelas? I am wanting a: Patternmaster choke, 12ga, Benelli/Beretta Mobile Choke, Code Black Turkey .665. The website says they are in stock in Barrie. No stock online
Consider and pm me if you want to get involved in this.
(OT)Turkey Equipment (anyone in Barrie ON)
(OT)Turkey Equipment (anyone in Barrie ON)
E/M/MOBUI330 (Finn-esse)
E/M/N335 (Finn-bad)
Click "User Control Panel", "Profile", Location: (you don't have to tell everyone you're "in a van down by the river") but for Pete's sake, what state/prov or country are you in?
E/M/N335 (Finn-bad)
Click "User Control Panel", "Profile", Location: (you don't have to tell everyone you're "in a van down by the river") but for Pete's sake, what state/prov or country are you in?