Spooky axis deer reaction time

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Spooky axis deer reaction time

Post by dithian »

For those of you unfamiliar with the species, axis deer hail from the Indian subcontinent but have been introduced in Texas and Hawaii. Adult does hover around 100 pounds, and big bucks can get up around 200. They are reddish-brown in color and retain white spots throughout their lifetime, and they make distinctive barking and bugling sounds. The meat is surprisingly tender and mild tasting. They're also kind of a bugger to hunt with archery equipment because of their uncanny reaction time and their squirrelly nature, which I'll demonstrate with the story of this morning's hunt:

Early this morning I had a doe in my sights, a perfect broadside shot at 25 yards. I was shooting a Micro 335 with a (roughly) 430gn bolt (16" BE Executioner with Boltcutter broadhead, spin tested). I've learned that shots on axis deer have to be taken tight on the shoulder because the vitals are compact and sit farther forward than other deer species. I chose my moment carefully, took a calming breath and squeezed the trigger. I'm confident in my aim and in my equipment setup—even with my heart pounding I should be able to hit at least within 1" of my aim point at 25 yards. Long story short, I wait the requisite hour and track down the doe, which had fallen about 30 yards from where I hit her.

Now comes the interesting forensics part. I notice that the entrance wound is a good 8 inches further back than where I was aiming. I turned her over, and the exit wound was quite a bit further forward and a little HIGHER than the entrance wound. I was shooting from a perch a good 6' above, so this was mind-bendingly illogical—the exit wound should have been lower, not higher than the entry and, the doe being almost perfectly broadside, it should have been roughly straight through. This is the second time this exact scenario has played out for me, and what I've figured out is this: the deer sensed the arrow approaching and by reflex ducked and turned away. In doing so, she had to have also rolled quite hard to the right, bringing her right shoulder significantly lower than the left. By the time the arrow struck she was at a 3/4 position, pitched forward from her original attitude and quite twisted.

My bow must be shooting at between 310 and 320 fps, so this much reaction at 25 yards from a seemingly calm deer is pretty astounding. My other game animal is wild boar, and the arrow always lands where I mean it to, even at 40 yards. On axis deer, I'm often a little surprised where the wounds are. Anyone else experience this with axis deer? Anyway, I thought you all it white tail country might like an exotic story.
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Re: Spooky axis deer reaction time

Post by gerald strine »

Interesting post , I thought whitetails are fast, if these are faster that is impressive I have not had the chance to hunt them ,better get a 405 just to be safe :thumbup:
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Re: Spooky axis deer reaction time

Post by W.Miguire »

Very interesting , shot a 7PT. the other evening with my 405 and I could not see the arrow fly with a lighted nock . just had to trust my judgement . the shot was good and found him at 40 yards. the bow is shooting @ 383 with a 426 Arrow the arrow went where it was aimed and the deed did not jump the string.

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Re: Spooky axis deer reaction time

Post by mr meat »

Congrats on the axis deer!
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Re: Spooky axis deer reaction time

Post by vixenmaster »

Congrats on yer deer, they must be very high strung to react that fast
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Re: Spooky axis deer reaction time

Post by paulaboutform »

I've hunted Axis on a few trips to Texas I'm past years. You notice I said 'hunted' and not 'shot'. :eusa-doh: I've come so close it hurt....but it wasn't to be. They are truly beautiful creatures and I've said, since my experience, "on the skittish scale, Whitetails are about a 3/10 and Axis are a 10/10."

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Re: Spooky axis deer reaction time

Post by Carnivorous »

Good info.

I'll be the big five 0 next year and I'd like to hunt something different for my B-day! Axis deer is high on my list!! :)
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Re: Spooky axis deer reaction time

Post by nchunterkw »

dithian, did the deer have it's head down or up when you shot. (my guess is down and it used it as a lever to help throw it's body towards the ground at the shot. I posted what I thought was a good informative video on this a few months ago.

Here is the link.


It's abit long but lots of good info I think. I'd say it all applies to Axis Deer.
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