Every year we get together either my place, or my sister in law's. This year we went there and watched the deer parade, another story, but we have a tradition after our dinner prayer that we go around the table and everyone says what they are thankful for. I went first this year, and thanked God for health, and ability to get out to hunt. I also thanked for my Apprentice to now have the patience to take me hunting, then I was thankful a for everyone's health in the family, and the blessing of another grandchild on the way. I was also thankful for this forum, and some of you Yahoo's on it!
Happy Thanksgiving you guys!
The deer parade is awesome. They live about 200 yards from a nature preserve, and have just under 5 acres. They are technically, and legally still in town, so no hunting! Tonight at dusk we saw 17 doe, and 4 bucks with racks, let me say RACKS come out of the preserve and walk across his lawn to the oak flat just east of their property. Just about every night my B.I.L. says.
Thanksgiving Tradition
Thanksgiving Tradition
It’s not the way you rock, it’s the way that you roll!