R Bell's success with Excaliber 340

Crossbow Hunting
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R Bell's success with Excaliber 340

Post by RWBell »

I got a deer again this year on November 01 – with my new Excalibur 340 x-bow – not the rifle. Not a real big one (dressed out at 130 pounds) – but it has very nicely filled up our freezer. Went into the bush at 06:00h in the dark (legal shooting time 07:30h) and put out some doe scent. I usually hunt till noon. At 10:30, I heard a sound behind me and to my left– a very soft sound. It took about 15 seconds for me to realize that what I had heard was a soft grunt, so I then reached over for my grunt call and gave a return ½ second soft grunt and sat still. Then about 5 minutes later I thought I saw something in my extreme left peripheral. All I could see was a white hazy figure because he was so far behind me. So I just FROZE STILL. Could not really see what it was but I could see SOMETHING behind and to my left - something that had not been there before. I really, really wanted to turn my head ever so slightly to see what was there, but I knew that ANY movement by me would send a deer running – IF it was a deer– so I sat – and sat – and sat – and sat – so still. I could see my watch hanging from a hook in my blind and noticed the time. Nothing happened for 12 long minutes. Finally the figure moved a little, and I could finally see the head of the deer – a total of 8 meters away from me and looking toward where the grunt sound that I had made had come from. He was looking directly into my blind and did so for another 5 minutes – but he could not make me out as I was in full camo. So I closed my left eye (so he could not see the white of my eye) and looked at him with just my right eye - and even that was half closed. But now he was so close that I could not raise the cross bow – so I had to wait for him to move. Finally he started to walk down the hillside and stopped to eat some apples 30 yards away. So I was now able to get the cross bow up and line him up. Problem was – he had his butt pointed straight at me – not giving me a chance for a shot. After browsing for four or five minutes he finally shifted position slightly and gave me a quartering away shot – and the rest is history! Thank you Excalibur for an EXCELLENT hunting weapon!!!!
Used 2219 aluminum arrow with Wasp Jak-Hammer 1-3/4" mechanical broadhead.
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