Perhaps no one has noticed, .....

Crossbow Hunting

Moderator: Excalibur Marketing Dude

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Post by GREY OWL »

Comfy bear, I'm with you 100 % on this one. I'm the only person form Saskatchewan, and every once in awhile I go to the memberlist to see if there's anyone from my province, that I can correspond or meet up with one day. Its a royal pain in the ass to have to go through all those non-active members.

Its simple use-it-or-lose-it. What effort does it take to come on once a month and say HI. These members that sign up and never make a post are not very interested in my mind with the forum.

Maybe once their deleted once or twice, they'll take some interest and contribute to this forum. Not a big deal to sing up once again.

Thank You for listening to my rant.

Grey Owl
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Post by tcthomas »

I'd say some of them are more interested in the actual purpose of the forum than some posters that have 1000 posts of nonsense. They waste my time more weeding thru the nonsense than the inactive members on the memberlist.

As far as the links in the memberlist. Don't go there, don't click. Problem solved.

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Post by bails111 »

I guess I should go to this members list and see what Comfybear and Greyowl are talking about-
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Post by htoler »

Some will not post out of fear their post will be taken wrong and they will get ripped,, some just use the forum during the hunting season some just browse the forum for info a lot of time you can get questions you have answered just bu doing a serch, on the topic your interested in,,

Excaliburmarketingdude aka Peter give you his take on it...

are we going to turn this into a dictatorship use it or loose it or allow members their freedom to post or not post,,
should Tom who is taking a sabatical be deleted from the members list just because he needed a break from all the B.S. that has been going on lately..

and just so you know this is just my take on the subject I may be way wrong..
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Post by ComfyBear »

You got the whole concept wrong. It's not about deleting members who have posted in the past and are not currently active. It's about deleting those "so called members" who have joined and never posted a single thread.

Currently we have 719 such "members". I would bet that the vast majority of these folks joined and haven't logged in ever since, and perhaps would like to have their names deleted. If they don't, they can always rejoin.

My suggestion is to streamline and make the forum more efficient.
Why should any "valid" member be subjected to 7 1/2 pages of non-participating so-called members. It makes the site less efficient when doing searches, as well as cluttering the site and server with extraneous and purposeless data.

I don't know about you, but I personally see no point of joining if all I want to do is read the posts. On the other hand, joining is a great way of exploiting and using the forum to promote one's own agenda by placing a link to one's unrelated website.

Hopefully my initial intend has be clarified and will appease those valid members who do post , but not as often as those more zealous ones. :wink:
Micro Axe 340, Matrix 380, Matrix 355, Matrix 350, Exocet 200
ComfyBear Strings
G5 Montecs 125gr., SlickTrick 125 gr. Magnums

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Remove thine mask Polonius.
Live thy truth, doth not be false to any man.
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Post by htoler »

In the end it will be the site administrators that make a decision as to weather or ont to delete inactive members..
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Post by dw »

Hello dwhas3 it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks, why not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution or just engage in a conversation with another member in any one of our forums?

this is what appears at the top of the home page on the archery talk forum that i belong to. like i said i read a lot and post a little or none on some of the forum's i belong to. this forum of course being my favorite.
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Post by Armadias »

tcthomas wrote:I don't understand what being a member and not posting has to do with the trolls and spam. I've never seen and have no idea what this cluttered memberlist is and how it affects the forum. Its never affected me, I've never seen it.

The only trolls and spam I've seen are the ones who became members and actually posted something! They meet your criteria so they wouldn't be affected.

Even though I have posted a few times over the years, I'm with some of the others. A lot of those members with 0 posts are probably legitimate people who come to read and just registered so they could post if the situation ever came up that they wanted to reply to.

I've read this forum a lot the last few years, but don't have the time or inclination to post much unless I feel I have something worthwile to contribute. I'll use this time to thank those who do take the time to contribute worthwile ideas and advice on this forum. Thats why I'm still here reading it. But I would also have to add, that some posters post more frequently than is probably worthwhile. :)

Leave the silent ones alone.

Well said Tim.

Leave the silent ones alone there not bothering anybody.

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Post by patmax »

Let's not throw "Out the Baby with the bathwater" just to find the soap. 719 members in a forum with members scattered over the world is not a lot of members and will grow to the benefit of us all.

Should there be controls? Yes. But, let's not punish the innocent. I'm tired of that. I lose more freedoms everyday because of legalistics writing new laws I have to abide by - when I've not been a violator. Go after the criminal that is causing the problem. A broad brush is not the answer.

I don't agree with everything that active members do. One instance is where jokes aproach vulgarity - like this is a men's chanel. Not that I'm a prude - but, there could be and should be women and children reading as well. I like the forum best when we are covering hunting techniques or Crossbow technical issues; these are what I feel give us purpose. Sure it should be fun. This is (I think) a user's forum - not a chat line. The chit chat can be fun - but should be kept to a minimum (in my opinion). The chit chat is interesting in that you learn more about the personality of the individual over time. An example would be the criticism of Tye in an earlier post - Tye's response was a smile :lol: I like that - Tye really is a "good guy". I have not agreed with everything he said in the past - but, I've learned about him - and I like him. What I see in Tye - is an honest young man who loves to hunt and is learning through this forum as I watch.

I hope any attempt to limit this membership will be done cautiously.

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Post by GaryL »

bstout wrote:
ComfyBear wrote: On the other hand, joining is a great way of exploiting and using the forum to promote one's own agenda by placing a link to one's unrelated website. :wink:
This is it in a nutshell. Most can't see it or refuse too. It has very little to do with innocent people, rights or privileges.
Some sites have a time limit, if you do not post or use the site(log in) with-in a 3 month period you are dropped from the member list. This would be a good way to go and not step on anyone's toes.
Always learning!!
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Post by pphoenix »

bstout wrote:
GaryL wrote:Some sites have a time limit, if you do not post or use the site(log in) with-in a 3 month period you are dropped from the member list. This would be a good way to go and not step on anyone's toes.
Great idea Gary!
I tottaly agree guys, someone should mention it to the Excalibur marketing Dude.
For me hunting is just like Mossy Oak, it's not a passion, it's an Obsession
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Post by pphoenix »

funny i mention the Excalibur marketing Dude, i looked after i posted my last message and his online :lol:
For me hunting is just like Mossy Oak, it's not a passion, it's an Obsession
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Post by steve »

which would clog up the network more , me joinig once or me having to join every 3 months because I didn't contribute anything. I log onto this fourm alot, and have for quite a while . Certain times of the year, Iam on here every day , and some times I'm not . Some times I'm just too busy to sit at the computer. I say if it ain't broke don't fix it. I think the excal dude has already stated that it is not a problem. just my 2cents . 8)
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Post by sidekick »

When I was looking for a quality forum I joined several in an attempt to aquire as much knowledge as possible. I settled on this forum because there seems to be a good mix of knowledge, humor, common sense and comraderie. Having said that, I very rarely go to any of the other forums that I joined, and would not be to offended if I was to be removed. When I do see something that I feel a need to respond to, it only takes a few minutes to reapply. The folks that use this forum as a resource for gaining knowledge do not have to become a member to gain that knowledge. What I can't figure is, why it would make that much of a difference to us members. If anybody was to be put out, it would be the administrators.

Anyway, just my 2 cents.
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Post by GREYWOLF »

I have delibertly stayed out of this one ,till now !. Yes there are a lot of members dateing back a lot further than I have been here. And I have recieved orders for bolts from these members, They enjoy reading , and learning from this forum, Some just don't like to reply to some of the stupid stuff that spamers and such start here. Others dont like to voice there opinions because of fear of being laughed at or berated on a public forum , Others just take in all the information they can gather from members posts. and others just like to watch (Chancy Gardner) HA HA
TO drop some one is sort of a slap in the face , (ie) I am sure some of these older members have died or left or lost intrest in our group. To solve this so called problem . Why not just send an e-mail to every member stateing we are up dateing our web site are you still a member? that is about as simple as it can get?? Just my 2 cents GREYWOLF
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