Scary hunting happenings

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Re: Scary hunting happenings

Post by flightattendant100 »

Long time ago, but....The rancher where we hunted came to camp and told us one evening that his hand had seen a mountain lion with another about half grown, he figured a mom and offspring. He said that he wasn't sure about the Texas laws as far killing one, but...If we got a shot at it he wanted it gone! Didn't want it killing his calves. Well it would be really unusual to have a lion where we hunt. They are mostly west or south of us, so we didn't really think much about it. A couple or three weeks later, one of our guys went to hunt a stand that hadn't been hunted yet. It was in the afternoon, and it was a pretty uneventful evening. Sometime before dark, the wind laid down and it was really quiet, and he said that he could hear something breathing. He thought if I can hear it breathing it has to be really close, but he couldn't see anything anywhere. In a bit he said he could hear something chewing, eating something. He said ,man, whatever it is has to be right here for me to hear that but again he looked and looked and couldn't see anything. Well it getting fairly dark, he is starting to think about getting down but has a couple of more minutes of legal light left, when behind him a little ways, there is a LOUD Scream! Not sure if it was a lion or a bobcat ( we had lots of those) but our guy said he had parked about 300 yrds. from the stand and made it in about four steps. He said he didn't remember climbing down out of the stand at all, and he was still much shaken when he got to camp! We all had a good chuckle at his expense, and teased him for years! Good ol' days!
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Re: Scary hunting happenings

Post by flightattendant100 »

Second story....same lease... Spring turkey season. One of my close friends and his parents owned a Western Auto in Keller Tx. Saturday was their busiest day so my friend worked every Saturday, and had Sunday and Monday off. He would come out to camp after work on Saturday and hunt Sunday and Monday morning. He was usually the only one there on Mondays. There was a creek that ran through the place and the turkeys roosted down there. He hadn't had any luck early but stuck with it and changed locations about 9:00 am. First call brought a gobble and and he was set up with his leafy suit on. He saw the Tom cross just on the other side of our fence headed to the creek. A few minutes behind the Tom a bobcat crossed the same place. He said his thought was that dang cat is going to get that Tom before I get him called in. Well the Tom went silent and my friend was trying to be patient because he knew that he was close. He waited ,clucked a time or two, and waited some more. Then behind him he hears something walking. He thought that the Tom had come in behind him. He said it got closer and closer then stopped. He said that he knew it had to right behind him, so he waited a while, then curiosity got the best of him and he turned his head. About that same instant something hit him in the cheek and growled . It scared him so bad that he threw his shotgun up in the air and creamed like a little girl. When shotgun hit the ground, it was muzzle down and the gun went off. So to top off the blow to his cheek there is his gun going off. The Bobcat was already in passing gear the other way but had scratched his cheek and eye lid when they collided. His shotgun looked like one of those from the cartoons with the barrel all blown out. He was very shaken and got back to the cabin and used the first aid kit to wash and doctor his scratches as best he could.
I worked in a shop that was between the lease and his house. He stopped by to tell me all this and he was still so shaken that he couldn't hardly talk. After he left my shop he went by the Western Auto to tell his folks. His mom insisted that he go to the Dr. At the Drs. office they told him that it was really good that he had come in because the cats claws would have all kinds of bacteria and so forth.
He is tighter that Dicks hat band, so he took the shotgun to a gun shop here and had them cut the barrel off and install a Poly-Choke. He still hunts with it today. We didn't tease him much because it was so serious and could have been much worse.
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Re: Scary hunting happenings

Post by Doe Master »

Meanwhile Paul I thought you walking up on a rattlesnake while carrying a ladderstand was scary . :shock:
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Re: Scary hunting happenings

Post by flightattendant100 »

Doe Master wrote:
Sat Aug 15, 2020 8:02 am
Meanwhile Paul I thought you walking up on a rattlesnake while carrying a ladderstand was scary . :shock:
Scared me!! Bout wet!
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Re: Scary hunting happenings

Post by flightattendant100 »

Doe Master wrote:
Sat Aug 15, 2020 8:02 am
Meanwhile Paul I thought you walking up on a rattlesnake while carrying a ladderstand was scary . :shock:
2nd snake story ( I dont like snakes much) It was during the tail end of our spring turkey season, so end of April, first of May, and warm. I was getting pics on the trail cams of a pig coming to one of the feeders right at dark. So instead of turkey hunting, I went down close(35 yrds. ) from feeder and sat down in front of a tree to wait on dark. I had a 45/70 in the H&R Handi-Rifle that I wanted to take the pig with and figured closer was a good thing. So I sat there until almost dark, then a bit more and a bit longer, thinking pig was going to be a no-show. I made myself wait till slap dark, and he showed up finally. I found him in the old dark Weaver scope, and took the shot. He went straight down and out. I walked up to him to make sure he was dead and he was, so I headed for the truck. I didnt have a flashlight with me, so I walked around the road to the feeder to the bigger two track and to the truck in the dark. I got in the truck and started toward the pig. There in the road I could see in the headlights was what looked like a pretty fair sized limb. I thought, I dont remember that being there when I walked out. Just then the "limb" slithered off into the broom weed. Guess I had walked right past it on way out to truck. Will sure make you stop and think!
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Re: Scary hunting happenings

Post by Doe Master »

As I said to you before . If I had my way there would be no snakes on this earth . I do not like them !!!
But that can not and will not happen . So I just have to accept it . :)
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Re: Scary hunting happenings

Post by longbow joe »

Yea I'm not a big fan of em either .. sopposed to be no snakes in Hawaii ... hard to believe
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Re: Scary hunting happenings

Post by papa bear1 »

janesy wrote:
Tue Aug 11, 2020 5:26 pm
Prmtvbowman22 wrote:
Tue Aug 11, 2020 4:10 pm
While bowfishing one day I saw a naked woman submerged in the water. My heart skipped a beat but when I got closer I realized it was a blowup doll.
Did it still hold air when you got it home? :lol:
:shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Be safe in all you do! See ya in the woods!!!
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Re: Scary hunting happenings

Post by Hester0305 »

I just put a new stand in near a grave yard in the woods on my hunting property I hope no spirits come visiting while I'm sitting there opening week this year lol.
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Re: Scary hunting happenings

Post by onebigskittle »

I have been startled by a covey of quail But, I imagine if I was to ever meet Darrell aka Bigfoot. I would be scared.
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Re: Scary hunting happenings

Post by flightattendant100 »

This was a LOOOONNG time ago. It scared me at the time but is really funny now. When I was a kid growing up, we hunted in the western part of the hill country here in Texas. It is pretty rocky and rough, with some pretty good canyons and draws. Lots of rocks! Because of the kind of country it is, there are a few cattle but mostly sheep and goats. Well one evening I hunted in a little ground blind on a bluff overlooking one of these draws. Just about the time that the hunting usually starts to get good, I start hearing something walking towards me. It was loud and I was pretty sure it was the sheep. I was intent on watching in the draw, and about half hacked off that the sheep were going to get here just about prime hunting time. Well, I watched the draw, and noise got louder, I watched the draw and noise got still louder, until I figured that they were right outside the blind. (This blind just had openings for windows and the door, not actual windows or door) Then the noise stopped. I was about mad that my hunt was shot, so I finally turned around to see how close the sheep were. I was expecting them to be close, like 3-4 ft., but when I turned around, my nose and a sheep's nose were about 1" apart. Its head was bigger than mine! I am sure that the scream and fit that this 14 year old boy had would have won Americas Funniest Home Videos ! The sheep scared the crud out of me! Thought you all might like a giggle
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