Hunting Tricks

Crossbow Hunting

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Hunting Tricks

Post by Country »

Does anyone have any hunting tricks to share with us? I have several that I have used. One involved an escape route used by a good buck. He bedded deep in this thicket that was impossable to penetrate without spooking him. At first I blazed a trail along the edge of and slightly inside the thicket, put in false scrapes, and used a rasp file to make rubs. Inevitably some hunter would come across this and try to follow it thus flushing out my buck. This is a popular bedding site and this tacktic continues to work to this day in that area. For a more immediate response from the bedded deer there, I found that a walkie talky with the volume turned way up and hung on a tree limb worked just as well. I wait till around 8:30 and give the devise a call. 15 minutes later the deer would come right by me.
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Post by new paradox »

I like the walki talki thing,but I think it is illegal out here.
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Post by munch »

the only hunting trick i know is to sneak out of the house before my wife wakes and wants to go shopping :lol: :lol:
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Post by Martin »

munch wrote:the only hunting trick i know is to sneak out of the house before my wife wakes and wants to go shopping :lol: :lol:
HAHA, you have to introduce her to window shopping :lol:
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Post by groundpounder »

Someone already mentioned illegal, but in Georgia it is illegal to use electronic devises in the persuit of game. Try and get someone to go with you and set up drives to push that deer out of it's bedding area. Even two man drives can be extemely successful if positioned the wright way. Good luck!
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Post by TYE »

munch wrote:the only hunting trick i know is to sneak out of the house before my wife wakes and wants to go shopping :lol: :lol:
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Post by Iglooman »

Well, it would be nice to get that big buck or doe - but for myself I just enjoy being out there - it doesn't matter if I see one or not just being out there enjoying nature - and luring that deer towards you is a great feeling - I was lucky enough to fill 2 out of my 3 tags this year - I usually take time to camoflauge myself with the surroundings - currently since I hunt from the ground I must appear as a pile of deadly leaves to them however when we have snow on the ground my camo changes to branch twigs and white. I may be the only that feels this way however, during hunting season I sometimes get into my truck (minus xbow) and watch the deer come out gives me a great opportunity to see what's there.

It isn't my type of hunting to use unethical tatics to bring the deer to you - your just a few steps away from shinning that 1million candle flash lite at them and taking a shot 1/2 hour plus after sunset.

I had a nice buck walk by me at about 20 yards - just watched him go by (I didn't have a buck tag) only a doe tag.

My appologies if this is abit long but I am sure some hunters on this forum can appreciate my two cents worth.

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Post by LV2HNT »

The area I hunt has thousands of acres with a few roads that cut through here and there. It is way to much land to scout so I used to drive around at 1:00 - 3:00 in the morning because a lot of the deer would be on the sides of the roads eating. When I would spot a nice buck, I would make a note and go back in the day to scout the area and find where he was coming from.

I have also had situations where the deer used multiple trails going to different places on different days. You would sit in one place and they would go the other way so you would go to the other place and they would cut through the first place. They are great at being unpredictable. I eventualy learned that a well placed sock from my stinky sneakers would send oder towards one trail making them choose my trail. :wink: It also works great for thickets. I would put it out so the scent would travel along and into one edge of the thicket. Then I would set up on the back end of the thicket and wait for them to sneak by. I guess you could call it a do it yourself scent drive.
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Post by dsr »

LV2HNT--That tactic stinks.Very imaginative!!! :D :wink: :twisted:
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Post by Country »

No, I'm not on the verge of spot lighting. After 52 years of deer hunting I've developed quite a bag of tricks to get the one I'm after. I worry some about being too smart though. Have I honed my hunting to the point where it's not a fair chase anymore? I've done the stinky socks thing as Lv2hnt has and it works great and I found that Skunk scent works just as well as the socks. I restrict my first deer of the year to an eight pointer or better then go for a ten pointer or better. It's a long season in Virginia and I'd rather spend the whole season in search of a big one then tag out in the first couple of days. My hunting style consists of cruiseing the woods mostly before the season starts trying to jump the one I want and then I fiqure out how to hunt him down. Im always facinated about how smart old deer are. The way they work the wind currents and cover are outstanding. Some are impossable to get close to except during the rut and I've let a few of the big ones go by just because I didn't think it was fair under the circumstances. Without the rut I wouldn't stand a chance against some of them.
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Post by buzz »

I like to bring up on my stand about 10 marble sized rocks pebbles.
if I can get away with it flick the rocks like your shooting a marble, in another direction so the deers attention is focused on that direction. then maybe bring it in close enough for a shot.
sometimes works.
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

Sometimes when trying to stop deer that were running across a field I have shouted with all my might toward the woods edge the fleeing deer were heading for in order to produce a loud echo in front of them ... and have halted them in their tracks several times.

I know someone who keeps a dummy in his ladder stand all year long, complete with orange hat.

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Post by gad »

munch wrote:the only hunting trick i know is to sneak out of the house before my wife wakes and wants to go shopping :lol: :lol:
Really nice!
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Post by Masterhunter »

Well we all know that scent can make or break a hunting trip. Mixing some doe urine with doe in heat lure 1 part with 3 parts water. Mix this well before you gargle it for 1 minute.. DO NOT SWALLOW!!! I repeat DO NOT SWALLOW!!

This may not attract any deer but it will sure keep everyone else away from you.
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Post by VixChix »

Masterhunter wrote:Well we all know that scent can make or break a hunting trip. Mixing some doe urine with doe in heat lure 1 part with 3 parts water. Mix this well before you gargle it for 1 minute.. DO NOT SWALLOW!!! I repeat DO NOT SWALLOW!!
This may not attract any deer but it will sure keep everyone else away from you.
UGH UGH UGH!!!! :shock: I thought baking soda was bad! I often take an apple or two on my hunt. I think eating apples often also makes your own urine an attractant (I've had deer come to it!)

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