sad way to start a new year ( OT )

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sad way to start a new year ( OT )

Post by dutchhunter »

this last two weeks have been crazy i lost to buddys both 33 and 34 years old to drug over doses . both were doing a lot of pills and i guess it cought up with them . last week we had a funeral for the first one and to watch as his two boys 12 and 6 years old had to lay flowers on there dads coffen was heart breaking . the second died this past saturday he was 34 and had two girls both teens .what is the world coming to . the pills are just getting to be the drug of choice these days and untill the govement stops them it is not going to get any better . we hear of drug stores getting rob almost every other day across the country .and it is costing the health care system billions of dollers a year . i spoke with my family doctor about it and he says it is to easy for the doctors just to write out scrips for pills then to sedn people for other treatments for pain .this stuff is poison and to easy for people to get and to easy to hide . what next. just had to get this off my chest as i am very disgusted with the whole system what can we do DUTCH
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Re: sad way to start a new year ( OT )

Post by VixChix »

Sorry to hear about your friends, Dutch. :( Addiction is a rough battle. I have friends who have been there and it can be a long hard road back. Resources are scarce to deal properly with the often very complex issues. So very sad that your friends didn't make it. Will say a prayer for those left behind.
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Re: sad way to start a new year ( OT )

Post by dutchhunter »

it is always the kids that lose out . my prayers are with the four kids that lost fathers DUTCH
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Re: sad way to start a new year ( OT )

Post by wheelie »

I hear ya dutch, I am discusted with methadone. You get it for life. I always thought it was to wein you off drugs. Beening that it is free for life, I think the goverment should buy me my beer every week! How many people on methadone you talk to that stand there and tell you they are totally clean now. I always reply Bull Sh*t you are still a drug attict. I am totally sick of it, and my hard earned tax dollars going toward it! RANT OVER

Sorry about your friends.
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Re: sad way to start a new year ( OT )

Post by Golden Eagle »

My Condolences Dutch. Its a crutch for so many of the Youth Today. Around here anyway. Very Sad indeed. :(
My Wife is at the Funeral Parlor as I type this for Her 46 year old Cousin. Same Scenario.
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Re: sad way to start a new year ( OT )

Post by FJB »

My deepest sympathies Dutch I know how you feel. My best friend of 36 years took his own life 9 days before Christmas. It is certainly a trying time.
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Re: sad way to start a new year ( OT )

Post by fratri »

Sorry to hear about your loss Dutch and my condolences to their families...Frank
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Re: sad way to start a new year ( OT )

Post by backwoods »

Dutch, So sad to hear, and to think they choose that route to go. I recently lost my father to a heart attack, out on the farm he loved. I think the Drs hold a lot of fault for people getting on these drugs, but most of these people are adults and they have a choose of taking the drug, Ask questions about the meds they put you on. Very seldem do we hear of a Doctor holding a gun to a patients head, telling him or her to take the meds. GOD says he will never put on a person more then he can bare. pain included and I have been in some pain before. Most of the time with my pain from a bad injury, I pass I am kinda a But I do know what you mean, and I dont know who should control it, other than the people themselves.
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Re: sad way to start a new year ( OT )

Post by dutchhunter »

thanks for the thoughts . thy were adults and thy made the choice to do this to them self .what gets me is the kids are left to suffer and deal with stuff like this. how hard is the world today for kids just comimg on to there teens .to losses a father is bad enought to losses one this way is to much. this is the time in a kids life when thy need parents and guidence. and it is not just drugs but booze as well abuse off all sorts we hear it everyday. to have it happen two times in two weeks both in there 30s and both with two kids each . wow what can i say .it is a cruel world and we must keep a watch at the gate pray for the kids DUTCH
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Re: sad way to start a new year ( OT )

Post by Doe Master »

Yes it is sad . I feel for the kids left behind .
My thoughts go out to the families .
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Re: sad way to start a new year ( OT )

Post by MADMAX2 »

Sorry to hear this Dutch the way the pharmaceutical industry is the more the doctors prescribe the more free golf weekends in Vegas/perks they get :roll:
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Re: sad way to start a new year ( OT )

Post by GaryM »

Sorry to hear about your friends. I'm going this week to buy an old friends Exocet. His wife asked me if I wanted it. He died a year ago last October, OD'd on oxycontin or one of the similar type drugs. He was 50 and had severe back problems. He had 3 or 4 doctors to get enough of the pills. He left a wife and college age son, but fortunately they are set financially. This scenario happens all too often these days. I think I'll just stay straight. Gary
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Re: sad way to start a new year ( OT )

Post by agingcrossbower »

So sad to hear that Dutch. So very very sad for the children. :(
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Re: sad way to start a new year ( OT )

Post by Dash »

Sorry to hear that Dutch. Its a really sad, but all to common story these days.
I saw a program recently on pharmaceutical company insentives in the USA. Thousands of doctors and thier families in the US are given Cars, Dream holidays, and all sorts of incentives to push that particular companies drugs onto patients. It's in the doctors interest to pump out drugs for everything that they can. It's a serious conflict of interest, but it does seem to be legal over there. I couldn't understand how the government could know but accept this type of practice, and do nothing about it.

I lost my younger 36 year old brother to drugs earlier this year. Not perscription in this case.
I don't think they're never really over it. Every day is a struggle to stay off the stuff, even if they've been dry for years and seem to be going well in everyone elses eyes. It only takes a weak moment in thier life, or a reunion with an old druggy mate and the battle can be lost. The sadest thing are the broken family and friends left behind. All wishing they had of done more, or should have seen it coming. The hardest for me, was listening to mum, trying to explain to Sara (his blind 8 year old daughter ) that daddys in heaven now. She couldn't understand why she can't visit him anymore.
That broke me !!!
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Re: sad way to start a new year ( OT )

Post by RDPress »

Sorry to hear about this Ed. Where I used to work, I saw many reports on the drugs being in the possession of individuals or being taken by individuals for the sake of selling them on the street. The street value of those pills is incredible, which is a clear sign that the drugs themselves are very potent and being issued without much thought by physicians who seem to be seeking a simple fix to a problem.
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