O/T Dirty, Dirty, Dirty Ohio Air: Thank Bush!!

Crossbow Hunting

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politics or such

Post by JD »

Without taking a side I'll say I support each of your right to voice an openion, but I'd sure rather learn more about hunting with these crossbows.
Only eleven months til my pard and I horse pack into the Bridger Teton to try our hand on elk.
JD :lol:
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Post by mdcrossbow »

Bleeding heart lim's,

gun laws

Post by BUCKeYeHunter »

legislation concerning firearms and hunting aren't always aimed at taking away your hunting rights as many large companies will propogate you to believe.many are designed to make hunting equipment safer for you.personally i wish there was some kind of simpler way of arrow and crossbolt selection.the reason why i say this is because i bought an exomag about about 2 weeks ago and think it's the greatest invention since the introduction of a rock tied to a stick hunting weapon :P .my friends laughed and asked me where the wheels were :lol: after the first shot split the bullseye at 25 yds they were like :shock: anyway,back to what i was going to say.since purchasing the exomag.the shop i bought it from insisted carbon express crossbolts (with a halfmoon nock) were the choice item to use.incorrect.this application tore my serving on my BRAND NEW exomag :x .i in turn called the dealer and asked him a few questions such as if there was an L-wrench that came with my vari-zone scope and i inquired if string wax and a bow stringer were included to maintain proper bow maintinance.in turn he said no to each question and in addition he asked me if i had watched the video :? ? assuming i hadn't he figured he could stump me,but if he had he never would have suggested halfmoon nock bolts for the exomag;).i've searched hi-lo in ohio for an excal dealer that also carries the correct arrow :oops: the best i could find,from another excal,expert were 4 flatnock easton xx75 2117 and i'm just not very impressed with these and it's the first i've heard of them being mentioned with excal(see arrow selection chart on excal homepage).i've finally found a goldtip dealer through the goldtip website and in turn it happens to be an old friend i used to hotrod dodge's with back in the day.(very cool to have happened this way).anyway,point trying to be made in all of this is why not some easier way of arrow selection and identification for application.all the experts believe they have the answer and they know best yet none of them ever really agree.i know the answer...........it's using exactly what's prescribed by the manufacturer,anything else is just a compromise. all hail excal for a job well done.........now i just need the correct arrow for my bow.happy hunting to all.
Jim C
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Post by Jim C »

BUCKeye hunter-you can always call my wife's shop Bethany Archery in the Westchester/Middletown.Northern Cincinnati area. we stock gold tips and can make 2219 bolts as well for you. I have been a big excalibur fan for almost 20 years and own most of the bows they make and have won several major indoor titles with a pointblanc. 513-777-3888

Post by cdngunner...... »

Go Bush Go

Unfortunately I'd vote for anyone but Carry
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Post by Hi5 »

2003 and 2004, what years. First we have the leadership campaigns, followed by the Canadian Federal election, now the US election. It's like two years of terminal dysentry.
"Gun Control Laws"--trying to nag criminals into submission.

Post by Redbad »

Last edited by Redbad on Thu Nov 04, 2004 10:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mdcrossbow »

I found this verse this morning in Acts 1:24 Then they prayed, "Lord, you know everyone's heart. Show us which of these two you have chosen.

. What a night ! Now I can go hunt the rut!

Post by brayhaven »

ALL the hunters, gun owners & sportsmen in the US have won a great victory... even you, Carl :) Congrats to all of us. Time to mend our differences & work together on all the (world & national) problems, including the war on terror. Now, if we can just enlist our Canadian neighbors in that endeavor :wink:..............
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Post by striper »

Well said, Brayhaven! Carl, I want to suggest that you Vermontinians march down to Ohio and picket the factories that are polluting your air, or if you want to, you can do some civil disobedience, like all good liberals.
OR, you can move to Alabama and enjoy clean air, see racial harmony that has overcome the racism and riots of the 60's. We might even let you hunt our deer. Striper
May your days be long and your hunts many. Pray that the God of the Bible will protect you as you go.
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Post by rtcdir »

I voted along with more Americans than ever before and guess what Carl....you lose.

Post by cdngunner... »

Redbad wrote:cdngunner, so glad you're a Canadian neighbor! :wink:
The lesser of two evil. its pretty sad that you political parties can only offer you two morrons to chose from. But in the end you are really choosing between Barbie and G.I. Joe. I'd vote for G.I.Joe any day
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Post by Shakky »

Brayhaven, a couple of points. First, Canada is active in the war on terror. We are in Afganistan. When the war first broke out we sent the largest amount of ground troops we had sent anywhere since the Korean War. We increased our numbers to free up U.S. troops so they could go to Iraq. We have suffered losses do to friendly fire. I wish we had done more or could do more but we have a military of around sixty thousand persons.
You are correct we need to work together. This will be difficult for Bush. His only solid suport comes from the Brits and that will change. Without any WMD's in Iraq Blair is finished. You have no idea how divided this country is on the war in Iraq. It mirrors your own country in this respect. It is time to mend some differences.

Post by Redbad »

With up to 250,000 provisional ballots outstanding in Ohio, Bush has not won despite what he and Rupert Murdoch (read FOX news) would like us to believe. The winner will remain unknown until at least 11 days after the election when counting of these provisional ballots begins. Given the contrived "challenges" by republicans of registered Democratic voters, it is likely that the majority of the provisional ballots will be for Kerry.

It's not over until it's over. The shrub will still be uprooted.

p.s. cdngunner, still glad to have you as a neighbor.

Post by cdngunner.... »

Redbad your realy Mike Moore aren't you :wink: :D
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