OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

Federal Court of Canada, Associate Chief Justice Gagne grants intervenor status to the Attorney General of Alberta in CCFR v Canada, the ongoing court challenge to the Liberal gun ban.

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

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Why Trudeau really wants to ban hunting rifles

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

Ottawa’s three different definitions of assault-style firearms cause confusion

The federal government’s marquee gun-control legislation simultaneously relies on three different definitions of what counts as an assault-style weapon, resulting in a tangle of banned firearms that experts are struggling to understand, and that the government has not fully explained.

The government’s approach, which was described to The Globe and Mail in a technical briefing with a federal official, explains why shotguns and rifles that aren’t banned under one section of amendments to the legislation, called Bill C-21, are banned in another.

The bill has been widely criticized because the ban on assault-style firearms it proposes would prohibit people from owning some popular hunting and sport shooting guns. As a result, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberals have lost the support they need from opposition parties to pass the bill in the minority Parliament, forcing the government to accept more committee review and opening the door to changes.

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

Justin Trudeau has a gun-free Canada within his reach

Trudeau’s grand gun-banning campaign ties up the loose ends of a decades-long effort. His government’s halfhearted, condescending assurances to rural voters that their hunting rifles aren’t being targeted when they very obviously are offers a glimpse of a country that has fulfilled a destiny of another sort. Twenty-first century Canada is now quite unambiguously run by and for the residents of its major population centers, captive to their anxieties, passions and biases at the expense of those of others. A nation that once sought great meaning from being a land of the untamed wild now has little interest in an identity that’s anything other than urban.

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

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Urban rural divide is clear in gun control debate: MP

“The problem I have with gun control is there is no evidence base. I’ve been in law enforcement for 30 years. I don’t think I ever arrested somebody who had a legal PAL (possession and acquisition licence) or R-PAL (restricted possession and acquisition licence) who had committed an offence.

“These are gangsters and organized crime. These guys don’t have any legal guns. Yet, to spend millions on recovering some guns – hunting rifles – from individuals in our community is absolutely unbelievable, with no evidence.

“To me, we need to focus on organized crime and gang activity,” he said, noting the money it will cost to buy back guns, “we can use that to fund enforcement. A lot of those guns are coming up from the United States.

“The other thing is, let’s focus on our youth by having some crime and prevention programs. Crime prevention means crime is never going to happen. So, you get into the schools and start talking about what it is like to be a gangster and going to jail and you try to deter youth from entering down that road of getting into a gang and then therefore getting a gun, shooting, going to jail and that cycle.”

In conclusion, the MP said he sees a growing divide between urban and rural Canadians.

Many urban Canadians have never owned a gun or been around them and do not understand hunters and hunting, he said.

“We also have shooters who that is their hobby and they (urban Canadians) do not understand that. All they see is a gangster shooting a handgun. It’s illegal; it’s prohibited; the gangster can’t have that. And they think, ‘let’s just prohibit all of them.’”

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

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Opposition MPs united in ensuring Canadian hunters aren't disarmed by Liberal government

National Post contacted all 12 members of the all-party House standing committee on public safety and national security currently examining Bill C-21

OTTAWA — Opposition party members of the committee examining the Trudeau Liberals’ contentious gun control legislation are united in ensuring Canadian hunters aren’t disarmed by the government.

In a year-end interview with CTV News, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau seemingly backtracked on assurances his government’s bill will target criminals and not law-abiding gun owners, saying that Canadian hunters need to reconcile with the fact some of their firearms will end up prohibited under Bill C-21.

“There are some guns, yes, that we’re going to have to take away from people who were using them to hunt,” he told CTV host Omar Sachedina.

To test the claim that opposition is centred entirely around partisan attacks by the Conservatives, the National Post contacted all 12 members of the all-party House standing committee on public safety and national security currently examining the bill before it passes third reading and is handed off to the Senate.

Despite the PM’s defence of his government’s legislation, members of his own caucus have spoken out over C-21

Conservative MP Glen Motz said comments by both the prime minister and Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino suggest the two men know little about firearms or the legislation that currently regulates their use.

“If the prime minister and Liberals were actually serious about public safety, they would be focusing on criminals, sentencing with the use of firearms for the commission of offences, or gun smuggling,” he said.

“Not the easy way of going after hunters, sport shooters and farmers who have not, are not, and never will be threats to public safety.”

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

Yukon MP, public safety minister, get an earful at roundtable discussion on Bill C-21

Canada's minister of public safety Marco Mendicino was in Whitehorse to attend the meeting in person. Fifteen Yukoners were also invited to attend in person while many more watched via Zoom.

One thing was made very clear by each of the people who were there to share their thoughts: none of them agree with the proposed amendments.

In attendance were trappers, hunters, sport shooters, and gun collectors.

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

Statement from Premier Ranj Pillai on Bill C-21

Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

"As I committed to on my first day on the job, I will defend the interests of the Yukon.

"Many Yukoners are very concerned about the proposed amendments to Bill C-21 and the impacts they would have on law-abiding firearms owners in the territory. As a lawful gun owner, avid hunter and member of a family who has worked a trapline on the land for generations, I have a deep appreciation for the concerns.

"The Yukon government has long made it clear to the federal government that Yukoners need to be engaged about legislative changes that would impact them, including those proposed in amendments to Bill C-21.

"We are pleased that Minister Marco Mendicino was in the Yukon to hear from Yukoners about Bill C-21. Serious concerns remain around the impacts Bill C-21 would have on the way of life of many Yukoners. From licensed and subsistence hunters to Indigenous families working traplines, the proposed amendments would negatively impact law-abiding Yukoners and threaten Indigenous traditional ways of life.

"Last night, Yukoners respectfully shared their positions on Bill C-21 at a roundtable with Minister Mendicino, who has committed to engaging and making appropriate changes to Bill C-21 after hearing from Yukoners and others living in more rural and remote parts of Canada. The Yukon’s Minister of Justice Tracy McPhee has also shared our government’s concerns directly with Minister Mendicino during bilateral meetings.

"First Nations leaders also made their concerns with Bill C-21 clear to me during my first meeting as Premier with the Council of Yukon First Nations earlier this week and we support the concerns of Yukon First Nations Chiefs.

"As the Yukon’s Member of Parliament Brendan Hanley has made clear, the Yukon does not support Bill C-21 in its present form. We support and commend MP Hanley’s efforts to advocate for and defend the interests of Yukoners. I strongly urge the federal government to listen to Yukoners and make changes to the amendments to Bill C-21."

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

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Bill C-21 will reduce the number of guns hunters use, public safety minister says

New federal gun controls “may reduce the number of firearms some hunters use,” admits a federal briefing note to Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino. It claimed hunters will have to find alternatives.

According to Blacklock's Reporter, Bill C-21 An Act To Amend Certain Acts introduced in the House of Commons last May 30 proposes to codify a federal ban on new sales of licensed handguns in Canada. Cabinet last November 24 introduced amendments to ban use of any “firearm that is a rifle or shotgun that is capable of discharging centre fire ammunition in a semi-automatic manner.”

“We are not targeting hunters and those who use firearms to sustain themselves or their families,” said the briefing note. “We are targeting firearms with sustained rapid-fire capability that can inflict significant harm to Canadians.”

The note by public safety department staff is dated December 13, one day after the Commons public safety committee blocked passage of Bill C-21 pending public hearings this spring. “I do think it’s offensive,” Conservative MP Raquel Dancho (Kildonan-St. Paul, MB) told the committee. The proposed amendments were so broad they would ban lever action rifles, she said.

“We’re talking classic wood stock hunting rifles that are being used that will be banned by this,
” said Dancho. “That’s really the problem we’re coming down to. I don’t necessarily see a path forward.”

Opposition New Democrat and Bloc Québécois MPs joined Conservatives in slowing passage of the bill. “We are not going to clean up the mess the Liberals have made of this bill,” New Democrat MP Taylor Bachrach (Skeena-Bulkley Valley, BC) earlier told the Commons.

“People feel hoodwinked by these last-minute amendments,” aid Bachrach. “This was meant to be a bill about limiting handguns and protecting victims of domestic violence but now the Liberals are going after the tools that my neighbours use for hunting, predator control and back country safety.”

Opposition members proposed the public safety committee conduct at least eight public hearings on the bill including sessions in “rural, northern and indigenous communities to hear from impacted individuals.” No funding for committee travel can be approved until the start of the new fiscal year on April 1.

“We are out of time,” Liberal MP Ron McKinnon (Coquitlam-Port Coquitlam, BC), chair of the committee, earlier told MPs. “As a practical matter we probably can’t travel until at least April,” he said.

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

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Assault Style Firearm Buyback Program Still Hazy At The Edges

The assault style firearms ban that came into effect in Canada on May 1, 2020, has been highly controversial since its inception and implementation. Proponents of the ban say that it is a necessary step in protecting Canadians from gun violence, whereas those opposed to the ban insist that it has been an overly heavy-handed reaction that unfairly targets lawful gun owners.

Also announced on May 1, 2020, was a two-year transition period to protect the lawful owners of the now-prohibited firearms from criminal prosecution while they navigate the best way to comply with the new rules. Additionally, the Government of Canada (GOC) communicated its intention to establish a buyback program to safely remove these firearms from society while offering fair compensation to businesses and lawful owners. The Criminal Code amnesty for the affected firearms owners was initially set to expire on April 30, 2022, but was extended until October 30, 2023, to give the GOA more time to get a mandatory buyback program in place. We are now a little over eight months away from the expiration of this amnesty, and the federal government’s proposed buyback program is still somewhat murky around the edges

One of the biggest hurdles for the mandatory buyback program is that it still isn’t entirely clear how the GOA intends to implement it. In October 2022, the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police characterized the program as “essentially an administrative process, not a policing issue” and suggested that it could be managed by organizations other than police services. This consideration would allow the police to focus “on those who refuse to follow the new law and, more importantly, on addressing border integrity, smuggling, and trafficking priorities.” A further setback was revealed in a Public Services and Procurement Canada memo that has received significant media attention in the past few weeks. It describes the agency’s request for information (RFI) posted on July 14, 2022, looking for feedback from the industry on their ability to support the delivery of the buyback program. The RFI closed on August 31, 2022, with very little interest.

With the Criminal Code amnesty expiry rapidly approaching, the GOA may need to consider another extension if they can’t get the mandatory buyback program worked out soon


One of the main things the article missed is that there wasn't simply " very little interest" in the RFI. In fact, there was not even a single response. Zero. Nada. As in Dead In The Water.

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

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BREAKING!! The CCFR's "Scrap C21" Campaign Has Launched! Details Here

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by Boo »

I just joined the CCFR and donated as well. :thumbup:
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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

Boo wrote:
Thu Jan 26, 2023 6:03 pm
I just joined the CCFR and donated as well. :thumbup:
Been supporting them for 3 years now myself... :thumbup:

Thanks Don, they can indeed use all the help they can get in this fiasco!

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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by janesy »

I've been a member for years. And wear my CCFR t-shirts all over.

Rod is working his azz off for us. Seriously, the man didn't stop fighting Trudeau through a cancer battle last year!
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Re: OT: Canadain Firearm Buy Back Program

Post by IronNoggin »

Supreme Court rules some mandatory minimums are constitutional, while others are not

In a pair of split decisions Friday, the Supreme Court of Canada delivered significant rulings on the use of mandatory minimum sentences.

The top court said that in one case — which involved a person convicted of firing a gun into a building — the mandatory minimum sentence of four years was unconstitutional, even though that law has since been repealed.

In two other cases — which involve robberies with firearms — the top court concluded that mandatory minimum sentences are constitutional, regardless of whether the guns involved were prohibited weapons.

The ruling on the robbery cases comes only months after the mandatory four-year minimum sentence for using a legal firearm in a robbery was repealed by the Liberal government Nov. 17.

The mandatory minimum sentence of five years for committing a robbery with a prohibited firearm, which was not repealed, was deemed constitutional by the top court.


Case # 1: The Supreme Court rules the four-year mandatory minimum sentence for discharging an air-powered pistol or rifle at a house is unconstitutional.


Cases # 2 & 3: The Supreme Court rules the mandatory minimum sentences for robbery using either a prohibited or ordinary firearm do not constitute cruel and unusual punishment.


Good step forward, and rightfully trashes the liberal stance in the latter regard IMO.

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