Its wonderful......

Crossbow Hunting

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Its wonderful......

Post by frisky » we can exchange general conversation, information, and pictures with people thousands of miles form our homes

I,ve been reading this forum (from cyberland) since
Dec 2004. Its the best, I agree. Many forums have people with "HOT KEYBOARDS " throwing darts at each other. Not the case here.

I bought a xbow in Feb 2005, its a PSE VIPOR COPPERHEAD (i know, but Mr. budget said thats it)
it shoots pretty good. I use a red dot site. I was hoping Wisconsin would pass a expanded archery season ( including xbows ) but it didn't happed. I will wait till the 2006 season I can use it then. 65 year olds can use them.

Can anyone tell me anything about the PSE VIPOR COPPERHEAD?
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Post by Boltshooter »

PSE Xbows seem to have a decent record as far as quality (they're one of the smaller crossbow manufacturers). The Vipor Copperhead is probably in the same class as the Excalibur Vixen as far as power goes, or close to the Vixen anyway. As many of this forum's members swear by the Vixen for everything from dear to black bear (that's right :shock:, black bear), your PSE bow should be fine for deer. :D
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Post by dw »

se's are made by horton if the have the range dial on the stock. tenpoint made them for pse 1 or 2 years ago.
"you gotta love it"
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