Charged by a deer?

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Charged by a deer?

Post by chris4570 »

I was leaving the woods tonight and on my way out I heard something making a beeline right for me, through the thick stuff. Whatever it was it stopped short of where I was stood(maybe 10 yards), while I shouldered my crossbow, more in defence than anything else. When it stopped I swore I heard it grunt at me.

Perhaps it(I'm assuming a deer) heard me walking out and mistook me for another buck. I was downwind. The rain and wind may have made it difficult for the "deer" to figure out exactly what I was.

Anyways knowing that a large, dominant buck lives in the area I was certainly concerned. I didn't want to end up on the recieving end of an enraged bucks rack!!
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Post by ch312 »

sasquatch! ruuuuuuuuuuuun! :lol:

why didnt ya just go look to see what kinda tracks it left? or was the warm stuff runnin down yer leg make u just wanan go home?> :shock:

only time ive been charged by an animal in the bush was by a big racoon. i didnt do anything cuz i was in shock. i was sittin by a tree deer hunting and i saw him about 20 yards away kinda watchin me. 10 minutes passed so i raised my hand and he made a weird noise and started runnin at me. luckily he stopped about 10ft away cuz i was in such shock he woulda ripped me apart. lol.

i dunno if it was because it was a huge coon being the tough guy or if it was sick. either way he got my heart goin a little! :lol: next time he wont be so lucky :wink:
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Re: Charged by a deer?

Post by Sliver »

chris4570 wrote:I was leaving the woods tonight and on my way out I heard something making a beeline right for me, through the thick stuff. Whatever it was it stopped short of where I was stood(maybe 10 yards), while I shouldered my crossbow, more in defence than anything else. When it stopped I swore I heard it grunt at me.

Perhaps it(I'm assuming a deer) heard me walking out and mistook me for another buck. I was downwind. The rain and wind may have made it difficult for the "deer" to figure out exactly what I was.

Anyways knowing that a large, dominant buck lives in the area I was certainly concerned. I didn't want to end up on the recieving end of an enraged bucks rack!!
Could have been a deer,, last year one of my hunting partners was out doing some scouting just before the start of the shotgun season and was charged by a 13 point buck,, my buddy had to go over a wire fence to escape the deer .... He could not believe it ! stitches to his hands from the fence.....

And yes we did take the deer during the shotgun hunt. :wink:
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Post by dsr »

It may have been a buck that thought that you sounded like a doe passing by.Lucky he ided you in time or you may have had a funnier story to tell.The bucks in my area are doing a lot of rubbing now so they may be getting ideas.
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Post by CYCLONE »

It has been a few years past but I was on the ground rattling and grunting in fairly thick evergreens and pines when I heard/saw a 3-4" thick pine tree being "rocked" back and forth 40 yards away and could not see the deer. All I had was a bow and a 5" Case knife and I packed my stuff up and got out of Dodge quickly. I have Bear hunted and have had bears around me but have yet to have the hair stand up on the back of my neck like it did that day.
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Post by frisky »

I was up in my tree stand a few years back. I heard a LOUD grunt noise 50 yards from me. Hever saw what it was, but made me think my bow was not enough.........................
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Post by BigBird-VA »

I was scouting one year in a soybean field egde. I saw a couple of deer 100 yds away. I was with another guy. We squatted down and glassed them. They started walking our way. We just stood there and watched. As they got closer the buck, a med 6point, picked up speed and came right at us. We both stood up when he got to 30 yds or so at a full run. He veered off at the last second but was 10 yds or so from us when he buzzed us. Pretty much stunned by it and never had anything like it happen since. Don't want to either.
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Post by GaryM »

A friend of mine's boy was bow hunting and had a big buck come near his stand. He took 3 shots at it...all of the arrows he had...and missed with all of them. :roll: The buck wouldn't let him out of the tree. It was only after his dad came looking for him well after dark that finally ran the buck off.

Another friend decided he'd try rattling in a Chicago (Cook Co.) Forest Preserve. These preserves are a hundred years old with huge oak trees and have never been hunted. He got up a tree and started rattling and grunting during the rut. A big 12 pointer came in and tore up the area pretty good around him and wouldn't let my buddy out of the tree. He was up there for hours until a bigger buck came and ran off the one guarding him!
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charged by deer?

Post by mike41 »

I was hunting in this blind fri. came back sun. morning and found it in this condition.

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Post by new paradox »

Two years ago in rifle season I saw some movement on the trail acouple hundred yards away.Looked in my scope to see a doe running to me.At 50 yards I dropped her.Tasted real good.she looked at me but never slowed down or turned.
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Post by Hoss »

I was hunting a buck that was in an area that I was bound and determined to get into and then get a shot at him..well it is in a place that no matter where the wind is, it swirls alot..SO I decided to put some doe piss around my neck hangin on a string...I wasnt worried about him chargin me and stickin me , well I figured the worst that could happen would be mount me and well you know.. :lol: I was about 30 yds from my tree and my scent was ahead of me I heard a russle in the bush and I mean thick stuff.I knew it was a buck cause it sounded like someone runnin thriugh the woods hittin trees with a pool stick..I got to the base of my tree and I could hear that he was about 40 yds form me still comin. It was pure dark..I walked out about 15 feet and set down 2 film cannisters with cotton ball soaked doe piss in them..I know sooner put the cannisters down and the buck was still comin..pucker factor about 1 on the ole hind end.. :shock: I climbed the tree without a light I knew this baby by feel..I turned around and sat down on a limb when i heard him come out of the thick stuff into my area..It was to dark to see..He snorted and bleww a few times and after about 10 min of stompin the ground..I figured he was upset not to find his girl friend there waiting.. he ws gone in a flash..I ended up getting him about a week later useing the same tactics..but i beat him their that morning and I was ready that time....SO If you aint scared try wearing doe piss around your neck and walkin through the woods hittin your doe bleet every now and then, let the wind carry your scent out in front of ya..It works ..In the Rut they dont care..I guess that smell overides there intel.. :wink:

disclaimer....Please do not try this if you are not a seasoned hunter ! You may just get your deer sausage :lol: early..
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:lol: :lol: great story hoss-----STEEL
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Post by Hoss »

Here is a pic of that Buck Steel...142 lb 8 point in full rut..

[img][img] ... INT142.jpg[/img][/img]
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Post by A.W »

Something similar happened to me a long time ago with my first deer. Here's the link if you want to read it. ... ht=charged

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Post by Camper »

I was walking out of a soybean field after a hunt one evening, It was dark and I knew that there were deer in the field so I walked out with my crossbow above my head to break up the human outline. Turns out I had a doe and a fawn less than 25 yards from me halfway through the field. The fawn took off and the Doe made two lunges at me and stopped 10 yards from me and started wheezing. she took off after I stomped back at her but I was a little tense for a few seconds.

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